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The next morning, I woke up. I looked around my room and started too freak out. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed. The boys came in with odd objects. Liam came in with a lamp, Harry came in with bat, Louis came in with a bag of carrots, Zayn came in with his bare hands clenched into fists and Niall came in with stool. And then evrything came to me. I'm in London, living with One Direction.

"What happened?" Liam asked rubbing his eyes. "Why were you screaming at 8 in the morning?!" 

I laughed. "Sorry guys, I just screamed because I had a nightmare." I lied. "Really Louis? Carrots?" 

"Yeah, what if the robber is hungry?" He said while eating one. 

"What's with the stool Nialler?" I asked.

"It was the closest object I was next to when you screamed." 

"Oh. Sorry guys. False alarm and if there was a real robber, I know you guys would get him." 

"Yeah. We will." Liam said while walking out my bedroom. 

The boys followed him. "Zayn? Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, babe. Vas Happening?" 

"I know that you and Niall are close, could you find out if he likes me?" I asked. "I like him alot." 

"Sure, Babe." 

"Thanks, Zayn." 

And with that he left my room, closing the door behind him, I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I got a feeling that something's up with Zayn.

The day went by so fast. I avoided Niall and Zayn throughout the whole day. As much as I wanted to hang out with them, I had my distance. Simon took me sight seeing in London. Even though paparazzis were following us, I had a nice day with my dad. 

He dropped me home and I went straight into my music room. I got my guitar and started strumming Asleep by the Smiths.

A week passed and I haven't heard from Zayn yet. Something's definitely up with him. I walked to his room and knocked. "Zayn, we need to talk." 

"Come in, Monique." 

"So, does he like me?" 

"He does, but I sorta like you too...." 

"Zayn, you are with Perrie. You guys are happy with ea-" 

Zayn cut me off by smashing his lips against mine. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It meant nothing. Please don't tell. I love Perrie. Please Monique, I'll do anything. Just don't tell anybody." 

"You'll do anything? Mhm." I thought for a while. "Get Niall to ask me out then." 

"Will do. Thank you so much." 

"You're welcome Zayn." I said. "Kiss me again and see." 

"Trust me, I won't." 

 *Later on that night*

"I'm so bored." Niall complained. 

"How about we play Truth or Dare?!" Zayn recommended while winking at me. Something's getting fishy around here. What is he planning?

"Yeah!" Harry said. "You down to play Nique?" 

"Hell yeah!" I said. 

"Me first!" Zayn said. We all agreed. "Okay, um Monique, truth or dare?" 

"That's easy dare!" I said. 

"Okay, um I dare you to snog Niall." Zayn said. 

"I don't get a say in this?!" He  exclaimed.

"Nope." He said. "Now, snog him!" 

Niall started to lean in and my heart raced, in my stomach, I swear I felt elephants doing the cha-cha in there. Our lips finally touched and moved in sync. His tongue asked for permission and I granted it to explore my mouth. I could barely breathe so I pulled away. "Um, that was, um Louis truth or dare?" I asked. 

"Dare." Louis said. 

"I dare you to rape Liam's face with your lips." I said. 

"Come here LiLi!" Louis said trying to seduce him. 

"Just get it done and over with already!" Harry shouted.

Louis held down Liam's face and slobbed his face. "That was disgusting." Liam said while wiping his face. 

"Okay, Niall!" Louis said. "Truth or Dare." 

"Truth." He said.

"Is it true that you like Monique?" 

"Yes, it's true." Niall said while blushing. 

"Then ask her out right now," 

Before I could open my mouth to say something, Niall moved closer to me. "Monique? Would you like to go out with me thursday?" 

"Sorry I can't thursday." I said. He pouted. "It's my birthday." 

"How about tomorrow?" He asked. 

"Yeah tomorrow is great." 

OMG! I'm going on a date with my celebrity crush! Ahhhhhh! And yes my birthday is thursday. Right now, it is Tuesday and tomorrow I have a date! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Stay calm Monique. 

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