Early Birthday Celebration

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Once I finished showering, I got dressed. I wore red skinny jeans with a white knitted sweater, a red beanie and my white converse shoes. I walked downstairs to see Harry's back turned to me so I decided to scare him. I creeped up behind him and yelled, "BOO!"

Harry jumped up about 10 feet into the air. "Jesus! Nique! You scared me!"

"Yeah, I guess I did!" I said while laughing. "Sorry not sorry. Whatya doing?"

"Just cooking some breakfast for us."

"Cool, do you need any help?"

"Yea, just wake them up."

"Okie Dokes" I exited the kitchen and went to Liam's room first. I knocked on his door waiting for his response, but I got nothing. So I slowly twisted the door knob and entered. I found Liam sleeping peacefully on his bed. I didn't want to wake him up just yet so I went to Louis room. I walked in to see him in his boxers.

"Meshae!? Ever heard of knocking?" He said to me.

"Sorry, I thought you were sleeping still. Harry told me to wake you guys up for breakfast okay? Bye!" I said closing the door.

Luckily for me Liam and Zayn came out of their rooms. I guess I just had to wake up Niall. I hugged the boys as they passed me as I walked to Niall's room. I didn't care to knock on his door so I just walked straight in. Niall was still in his bed sleeping. I decided to poke his cheek. *Poke* -

*Poke* Mmmmm *Poke* Stooooppp *Poke* "It's time to get up Niall." I said while poking his cheek.

His eyes fluttered open and a smile appeared. "Good Morning, Beautiful."

I blushed. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Breakfast is ready."

"Okay, I'll be down in a few."

"Okay" I started to walk out the room.



"You ready for tonight?"

"Yeah. I can't wait, but I'll see you down stairs."

"See you downstairs."

I closed his bedroom door and walked downstairs. The rest of the boys and I decided not to eat until Niall comes down. 5 minutes passed and he finally came down. He was wearing red baggy jeans, a white polo shirt, a red SnapBack and some white shoes. Haha. We're matching. I blushed as he took a seat next to me. "Aww, look lads. They're matching." Liam cooed at us. "Oh and Is it really your birthday tomorrow?"

"Indeed it is, but Simon is going to take me somewhere for the whole day. Sorry Lads." I answered.

"Aww." Harry pouted. "How's about we go do something right now before your date with Niall. What am I saying. You don't have a choice. Hurry up lads we are celebrating Monique's birthday today!"

"Good idea, Haz."Zayn said. "Lets go guys!"

The boys practically dragged me out the house. "I call shotgun!" I said while running to the car. I climbed in the car and buckled up. "Where we going?"

"Lets go to a park and feed the ducks." Liam suggested.

"That's gay LiLi." I said. "Lets go bowling."

"I want to go bowling." Niall agreed.

"Bowling it is."

10 minutes later, we pulled up to a bowling ally. Louis parked the car and we went inside the building. When we walked in, I was shocked by how many people were there. There was like 40 people. Anyways, we got our bowling shoes and finally found two open lanes right next to each other. Since there's six of us, we decided to go three on three. The people in my team was Liam and Niall. Same teammates from the soccer scrimmage. Well anyways yeah.

2 hours passed and my team won all the games we played. "Hey Louis. I think it's time for you and your team's consequence. Drive to the nearest salon or whatever."

Louis gulped but did what he was told. We pulled up to a place called Hair Town. We all got out the car and went straight inside. Soon the smell of hairspray got to me. The boys sat down as I walked up to the cashier and asked for 4 eyebrow waxes. She looked at me in confused. "Oh you see my friends here lost a challenge to me and had to pay the consequence and this is their consequence." She just nodded not looking at the boys. I wonder if she's a fan. I just shrugged. "Come this way, mam."

"Louis, Harry, Zayn, lets go shall we." I said.

The cashier looked at the boys as I said their names. She had a huge smile on her face and started fanning herself while jumping up and down. "Omg, you're One-"

"Yeah, yeah. They're One Direction. Anyways, We just want to get our eyebrows waxed so we can leave. We don't want to be bothered." I said. She opened her mouth to say something but I continued to talk. "No they will not take any pictures or sign anything until we get our eyebrows done."

The girl just nodded and turned around signaling us to follow, which we did. She brought us to a room with 3 chairs and 3 women. They boys sat on the chair as the women got ready. I took out my phone and hit record. One by one they started to yell and I just laughed my arse off. Finally they were all done and it was my turn. I sat in the middle chair were Zayn had sat. I laid back and closed my eyes. They lady put wax under my eyebrow and placed a paper on it. She pulled it off and I didn't even flinch. She put wax above my eyebrow, placed a paper thing on it. and pulled it off. Same sequence for the other eyebrow. "How did you not yell?"

"I dunno. Im used to it I guess." I shrugged and exited the room. "Holy Shit!"

"What!?" They boys said in unison.

"There's a lot of girls out there!"

"No way. Let me check." Harry said. He peeked out the door. "Yup, there is. Um ladies do you have a backdoor we can use to get to our cars?" The ladies nodded and pointed to the back entrance.

We walked out and to our luck no girls were there. We snuck to the parking lot and got into the car. Liam and Niall were there already thankfully. So yea we drove away. Stupid cashier.

"What time is it?" I asked no one in particular.

"2:30 pm" Niall answered.



"Im hungry." I complained. "Nandos?"

"Yup, she's definitely a keeper." Niall whispered to himself, but I heard him.

We got to Nandos and ate. I swear I can eat this forever, but I won't. "I gotta make a phone call." I said getting out the booth. "Be right back."

The boys nodded and I smiled. I walked outside and took out my phone quickly dialing my house number. After a few rings a sleepy Jason answered. "Hey kiddo." He yawned. "Happy almost birthday."

"Thanks Jas. I miss you."

"Miss you more NiNi. Hey look, 13 more days until I see you for my graduation."

"Haha, I know. I can't wait."

"Yeah, me too. Hey it's really late here and I got a huge exam tomorrow. I'll talk to you soon okay. I love you NiNi."

"I love you more Jason."



xoxo Josie

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