The happily ever after

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"Young mistress, prince Hotaru wants to speak with you." I give Sebastian a sign that he can let him in. I'm sitting up against the headboard with a book on my lap as Erai walks in, he sits down on the edge of my bed. "I hope you feel better sweetheart, I want you to know that the preparations for our marriage next week are done. you get the most beautiful dress and we're gonna get married in the most beautiful church of Japan. After that I claim my rightful place on the throne with you beside me as my queen."

-------------------------------Good ending-------------------------------------

I looked at him and shook my head "But my dearest Erai, our wedding is already canceled. I had to close a case and the queen said I didn't have to marry you anymore to keep the pride of my family up. My honor is already fully restored. Your not the one I love and also not the one I'm going to marry." He stared at me in disbelief, stood up slowly and walked with an angry look on his face towards the door. "I want you gone here within an hour, I don't ever want to see your face again, go." He walked out and Sebastian started packing my stuff. After half an hour Sebastian was done and he picked me out of the bed, since I still had trouble walking he carried me, bridal style. When we were downstairs I saw Erai's mother standing there, she looked at me with a sad face. "He told me everything. I don't blame anything on you and this will have no affect to the trading between Japan and England. I also understand that you want to marry the one you love. May luck be with you, Aiko Shizukana." She bowed and I bowed my head "Thank you for everything you've said and done. Erai and I just didn't fit and there is already another man I love, but it was hard for me to accept that. I'm also very sorry for your son, he was one of the nicest persons I've known. I wish you the best of luck to milady, you deserve it." Though some parts were a lie, the last one was absolutely true. I give her a smile and she smiles back.

As I sit in the carriage Sebastian starts to talk "Who did you mean with the other man your in love with, young mistress?" I look at him and his red eyes stare back at me with some sadness in them "Sebastian your the one I love and nothing about those feelings is ever going to change." His eyes widen, as he's caught by surprise. "I-I don't know what to say." "Ssssh, you don't have to say a thing." I lean forward and fall on his lap as the carriage rides over a mogul. I placed my lips gently on his and put my arms around his neck. Sebastian deepened or kiss and licked my bottom lip to ask for permission. I opened my mouth a bit and he stuck his tongue in, exploring my mouth. Then he broke the kiss and sat me down on the bank across of him, I was sad he broke the kiss. He kneeled right before me and took my right hand in his. "Aiko Shizukana, will you be my young mistress for the rest of your life? A tear streamed down my face and I nodded. I didn't need a ring at that moment, the words that he said were enough for me. He pulled me on the floor to embrace me and hold me tightly. "Sebastian, afcourse I want to be your young mistress."

-------------------------------1 year later-------------------------------------

I saw Sebastian standing at the end of the path before the altar, his suit as black as the night. I walked down the path towards him and laid my hand down in his. The time seemed to fly and the priest asked me if I wanted to marry Sebastian Michaelis. I blushed like crazy and nodded. Sebastian leaned and whispered in my ear "You have to say I do, Aiko." I was so ashamed of myself. "I-I do." When Sebastian was asked the same question, he could answer it smoothly with 'Yes, I do. I will protect her for the rest of our lives.' That was more than I could say. The priest began to speak again "You may kiss the bride." Sebastian pulled me in an embrace and kissed me on the lips, everything around me vanished and we were the only one in the church. This demon would be the death of me once. He took my hand and together we walked towards the doors of the church, everyone clapped and I looked at Sebastian as he froze in his path. I saw an adult woman standing beside the doors. She looked very much like Sebastian and she cried tears of happiness. A tear streamed down Sebastian's face, I wiped it away with my hand "Your mother wanted to share this special day with us, Sebastian." He just nodded and smiled at me. "I know, my wife." Everyone looked at us in silence as we proceeded through the doors.

-------------------------------6 years later-------------------------------------

With his fingers interlaced, Sebastian stared into identical red eyes from across of him. The only thing in the room that you could hear was the ticking from the clock. Sebastian leaned back and crossed his legs, all the actions he did were immediately imitated from across the room. Everything he did was perfectly copied. Much to Sebastian's irritation, and even that was mimicked perfectly.

His sons had once again ruined a painting, set the garden on fire and selled the intestines of bunnies to the undertaker. He just couldn't understand the stupidity of the undertaker to buy those intestines, ah well. He just had to wait till his beloved Aiko came home from her meeting with the queen, meanwhile he would lecture those two.

"Do you realize that because of your stupid actions I had to came home early from the research I did. Finny was totally stressed out, Meirin couldn't stop crying because of the painting and what you sold to the undertaker is just illegal." He narrowed his eyes, as did those across of him. They had the same defiant look as she had sometimes. "grounded for one month, no discussions."

"Sebastian calm down. They're still three, they just inherit your intelligence. I'm so proud of my little boys ." Aiko. The little boys ran across the room and jumped into their mothers arms who stood in the door opening, they laughed as she ruffled their brown hairs. "You boys are getting really big. Now tell me how much money did you make?" "About 500 pounds" the slightly smaller one of the two said, with a proud look on his face. "That's so good Isaiah! Did you split the money together with Elijah." The other one nodded. I stared at her in disbelief.

"I'm broke, I'm gonna take a nice warm bath. Come my two little boys." And she walked out of the room while the twins followed her. It's so hard being a father sometimes, especially with such a stubborn mother like that.

A few hours later I stand up from my chair and walk into the master bedroom where Aiko is sleeping. To my surprise I see the two boys lying beside her. They're so young, but they already compete with me about who gets the most attention from my wife. I walk around the bed and kiss her on her lips. I want to hold her so bad, but no kids allowed when that happens, so I just have to wait. I walk further towards the study room.

When I sit in my chair reading through some books, I hear the sound of the door that slowly opens. My two little boys peeked through the door opening, I motioned that they could come closer. When they were close enough I pulled them on my lap and hugged their small forms. "We love you daddy." I smiled at their statement. "I love you too, my little demons."

A/n: This is the last ending I will write for this book. I hope you liked it! Personally I'm really proud of myself that I didn't stop halfway with writing this book. Thanks for your support!!

PS: While writing the wedding ceremony I thought; a demon in a church isn't it Ironic?

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