Part 1 - Let's go on patrol together

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Wade lay on his stomach on his cracked leather couch, tablet in front of him, mobile open on texting spiderman.

"Squee!" Wade made a happy fangirl noise, pushing his fists into the cheeks of his mask and smiling gleefully.

"What kind of noise was that?" Spiderman said as he walked from the open window to the couch in less than two strides.

"Nothing!" Deadpool exclaimed as he pulled the tablet into his chest.

"Are you ready to go?" Spidey asked the blushing deadpool.

"Yeah, yeah. Lemme jus'." The merc rose from the couch and grabbed his katanas, strapping them securely to his back. "Let's go!" Deadpool shouted, jumping out of the open window onto the balcony.

"Why did I agree to going on patrol with you again?" Spidey said paying more attention to his spidey senses then the man next to him.

"Cos you were lonely and the avengers are all on some mission thing. Plus, I'm brilliant company and you love me." Deadpool said flirtatiously smiling at the boy who was staring off into the distance. Knowing he would get no response, the man continued. "Where to first Spidey?"

Spiderman's senses sparked, "Warehouse. Downtown. Follow me." With that he swung off repelling himself from building to building.

"Ever the conversationalist." Deadpool said sarcastically as he started running in the direction that the other was headed.

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"What were you reading earlier?" Spidey asked as the two sat on a rooftop eating greasy mexican food from a very questionable restaurant.

"Nothing you would know about." Deadpool said between bites, smiling to himself as he remembered the certain bit of literature. If it could be called that. Spiderman looked at the fellow red clad male his eyebrows noticeably raised from under his mask. It was a 'try me' expression.

Deadpool sighed. "Fan fiction."

"Fan what?" Peter asked getting a slightly shocked look from Deadpool. "Kidding. About who?"

Deadpool mumbled an answer.

"Didn't quite catch that. Could you say it again in english?"

"Tu y yo." Deadpool said mockingly.

Spiderman rolled his eyes. "Again. English please."

"My otp. Who's yours?"

"Don't change the subject?"

"Remind me of the previous subject?"

"*sigh* Forget it. But I will be translating your previous answer." Spiderman said, still determined. "It was " Tu y yo" right?" Spidey said in a terrible deadpool impression.

"You'll never remember that by the time you get home."

"I'll have you know, I have a brilliant memory."

"Then I'll have to give something else to remember instead." And with that Deadpool kissed Spiderman. He'd jokingly kissed the boy on the cheek before, but that was through masks and Spidey had hit him over the head afterwards. This time was much different. Both of them had their masks up to their noses from eating the burritos and, after the original shock, Spidey actually started kissing back. As soon as he noticed what he was doing, Spiderman pushed Deadpool away softly.

"Sorry. It was meant to be just a peck but... I'm sorry." Deadpool said sincerely. "I know you don't feel that way about me."

"It's ok. I know it was just a joke. I'd better..." Spiderman pointed in some general direction before packing up the rubbish from the burritos.

"Yeah. You're right. Um, see ya around?"

"Yeah... I'll text you." And with that, Spiderman swung away. Leaving Deadpool to his mind. The mind screaming at him to follow and tell him it was not a joke. Another mind telling him to let him go as there is no reason why the amazing Spiderman would like a disgusting murderer like him. Standing deadly still in his inner turmoil, Deadpool watched as the boy he'd had a crush on for years, leaped from one building to another, uncertain if they'd ever be able to share the same banter again.


Author's note: Hey. This is my first character x character fanfiction so I'm really excited to write more for it. I've read lots of Spideypool on fan but was surprised to find none on Wattpad, so hopefully this will change that. I'm not sure how frequent my updates are going to be but I'm hoping to finish writing this in my summer holiday (6 weeks in England). I will post the updates once I've written the part two parts after it if that makes any sense. This will hopefully help with timing and stop me from not completing this. If I don't finish it for any reason, it's probably because I didn't finish the story in the 6 weeks and I'm going into year 11 which means a lot of stress over GCSE's. Hope you enjoyed. Hodgia. X.

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