Part 4 - Text talks

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Spidey-babes to Deadpool: Hey Deadpool. Um. Can we talk about earlier? I need to say a few things.

Deadpool to Spidey-babes: sure i need 2 say some things too.

Spidey-babes to Deadpool: Should I come over?

Deadpool to Spidey-babes: thought we were doing this by txt. Idm.

Spidey-babes to Deadpool: Um. Let's just talk through text then.

Spiderman was happy at that decision as he thought he might collapse from nerves if he had to tell Deadpool face-to-face.

Deadpool to Spidey-babes: It wasn't really a joke.

Deadpool to Spidey-babes: I mean it was in a jokey way but I shouldntve kissed you like that

Deadpool to Spidey-babes: not that im sayin i didnt want to kiss you cos i have for ages but i shouldntve done it like it was a joke

Spidey-babes to Deadpool: Wait! You've wanted to kiss me for a while now?!

Deadpool to Spidey-babes: well duh ive been flirting with u since we met. I like you

Spidey-babes to Deadpool: I like you too.

Deadpool to Spidey-babes: did that mssge get messed up or something cos it said you liked me...

Spidey-babes to Deadpool: I DO like you!

Deadpool to Spidey-babes: u mean it?

Spidey-babes to Deadpool: Yes! I do, you dummy!

Deadpool did a happy little dance. He honestly did not think it'd turn out like this.

Spidey-babes to Deadpool: Can we meet up tomorrow? Re-introduce ourselves without the masks?

"Shit" Deadpool said. The one thing he didn't want right now is his new boyfriend, potential boyfriend (they weren't at that stage yet), to see his face without the mask. He did want to tell Spidey his real name though.

Deadpool to Spidey-babes: sure what time

Spidey-babes to Deadpool: How's around half eight for you?

Deadpool to Spidey-babes: see ya then :)

Spidey-babes to Deadpool: Ok. See ya.


Author's note: So hopefully you got that most of part was just what the texts said. I tried to make their personalities show in their texts; Wade lazy and Peter typing pretty much everything he thinks while well punctuated. Also, Spidey-babes is what Peter is called on Deadpool's phone and Peter doesn't know about this. The next chapter should be good, at least better than this one as I wrote it at 11 o'clock at night. Yes that's late for me. Don't judge. Hope you enjoyed. Hodgia. X

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