Oneshot- Unwanted explosives

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A/N: I wrote a random oneshot. Don’t know how I feel about it because I think I made my Deadpool a bit too grown up… I don’t know. Tell me what you think. I decided to put it in this book as a thank you for all the votes and comments so far and as an apology for never actually starting the sequel… I may get round to it but I wouldn’t get your hopes up… sorry. Also it’s a spideypool fanfic so where else would I put it? Hopefully this will get it seen. If I put it up on it’s own, nobody would find it and it would be annoying as it’s a oneshot. So yeah. Sorry this isn’t a sequel and is kind of stand alone, but it’s more Spideypool and hopefully you’ll like it. Really do tell me what you think tho. I read all comments and try to reply to most of them… if I feel like they need replying to. Thank you for all your support. Massive A/N rant over.

“Wade! Do you even know what you’re doing?! Tony, get down here, we’ve found a bomb.”
“NO! Tony, stay away. Not safe. Pete get out. GET! OUT!”
“We need to diffuse it and I don’t know how.”
“The buildings been evacuated, you need to get out. I know what I’m doing Pete.”
“But… if it goes off.”
Deadpool grimaced looking at the clock slowly ticking down. Soon it won’t be long enough for Peter to get to a safe distance.
“I’ll heal now go!”
Over the comms they heard the captain’s voice.
“He’s right Spider-Man. You need to get out and clear the area. Tony, could you…”
“Sorry Steve, No can do. I’d have to be able to see the bomb before I could disable it.”
“Pete, go! Captains orders!”
“If you blow yourself up…”

Peter swung out of the building.
“Deadpool, do you know what you’re doing?”
“Yeah, I’ve seen people do this kinda stuff in moves all the time. I’ve dealt with explosices before. Although, I usually set them…”
“I don’t like this.”
“Gonna get us in trouble for the repair costs isn’t it.”
“Hey, how hard could it be?”
(Very hard. Usually takes years of training.) /Hurry up, hurry up!\
“Shut up! I’m trying to think!”

The comms and the voices in Wade’s head both went quiet at the same time and Wade almost apologised to the heroes. He meant that for the voices; not for them. He slid a knife out of his utility belt and held it over the bomb pinching a wire with his other hand.
“Just cut the red wire right?”
Cries of fear and outrage and just pure negativity poured from the comm around his ear. He shut it out as he cut the wire.
“WADE?! You have to do SOMETHING?!!”
“I did! I did it!! I DID IT!!! Oh my god guys I’m a genius!” Wade did a little happy dance and smiled at the clock showing the number 0:03. Sighs of relief and a snide comment from the resident genius on the team were ignored as Wade left the building to find some army people or something to deal with the abandoned disarmed bomb.

From a building not too far away, Peter spotted a gleefully skipping Deadpool leaving a surprisingly unexploded building. Peter couldn’t believe that Wade had done it. Spiderman swung down from the building and collided with the happy Deadpool, wrapping his arms and legs around him in a massive hug. Wade stumbled a little from the impact but managed to keep them from falling over and nudged his head into Peter’s neck. “Yeah, I’m glad I’m ok too.” Wade wrapped his arms around the shaking and slightly sobbing Spiderman. “Come on. It’s ok babe. I’m ok.”

Wade pulled the sniffling form off of him, gave him another quick hug then towed the younger man to the rendezvous point. Tony landed just before they got there and Steve was walking in at the same time. Natasha was a bit further away but would get there soon. “Good work, today Deadpool. We’ll make a hero of you yet.” The Captain addressed Wade.
“Yeah, don’t count on it.” Wade said, smile evident in his voice.
“You did good too kid, think we ought to give you a membership.” Tony said, metal gauntlet hitting Peter’s back lightly.
“No way, really?!” Peter asked looking between the two avengers. Cap pulled Iron man away for a minute and Peter’s excited bouncing stopped.
“They’re totally gonna let you in! You’re Spider-man! You’re awesome!”
“I dunno Wade. Steve seems to think I’m too young.”
“That’s a load of crap. He was younger than you when he first started trying to enroll in the army.”
“How do you know that?”
“You know I’m a Cap fanboy. You’ve seen the comic collection.”
“Fair enough.”

Tony turned back to them with a deep sigh. “Maybe next time kid.” He told Peter laying a hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah. Maybe next time.” Peter smiled back under his mask. A knowing smile. He knew next time probably wouldn’t be the time either but he still hoped that one day Spider-man would get to be an avenger. Wade, knowing how he felt decided to change the topic.
“Come on Pete, let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving.” Peter took Wade’s hand smiling a true smile and thinking how lucky he was to have a boyfriend like him.
“Ok, but no mexican. I want hot dogs.”
“Hey! That’s not fair! I almost blew up today!” Peter punched Wade in the side, lightly.
“You scared me today. I know you would have healed but it still hurts you and I can’t deal with watching you heal in that much pain.”
“Sorry… I keep forgetting that…” Peter looked at him confused “That you care and that it hurts you when I get hurt… never really had that before.”
“Don’t apologise. Just be a bit more careful next time, ok? Seeing you get shot I can almost deal with now but seeing you blown up… I can’t deal with that.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Wade said smiling down at his boyfriend. “So. Tacos?”

The two men continued their walk to a hot dog stand which Peter thought Wade didn’t know about. What Peter didn’t know was that Wade knew full well that Peter was taking him there but had already decided to let Peter have his way despite fake argueing with the man that he wanted tacos.
I love him.

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