Normal Days Part 1

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Hidan was too impatient to wait. More impatient than Sasori.

Hidan reflected himself at the mirror.

Am I handsome? Wait, I am. The Jashinist grinned sadisticly. Kakuzu, in the background, sighed and sweatdropped.

Demi was happening to be passing by their room.

Now its time...Hidan pondered and his heart rate was racing out of his chest.

Demile was happening to be passing by to Hidan's room. She blushed as she caught a sight of the usual Hidan, and I do not mean the boring, usual Hidan. The usual, sexy-looking Hidan the the female Saiyan was having a secret crush on.

Hidan also developed some unexplainable feelings as well. Hidan always told Kakuzu that he always had a heart attack. When Kakuzu heard about this for the first time, he was quite shocked (you know, Hidan's immortal) but when Hidan explained it happened quite frequently since the Saiyan girl's arrival, Kakuzu sighed in relief.

Hidan raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing...." Kakuzu replied. "You'll get used to it."


"Hey, Demi!" Hidan tried to give a casual smile at the blushing Saiyan and she can't help but to laugh at his tomato face.

"You're like, 50 shades of Jashin!!" Demi laighed softly and oh my... Her laughter is like music to Hidan's ears..

Her laughter died and she regained her casual poisture. As best as she can do it without blushing.


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