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Chapter 6: Deception

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I'm already crying when I dodge between two slow-moving carriages and cross the street. Elated at finally seeing the survivors, but disappointed knowing who's not among them, I sniffle before wiping my eyes.

Sam Bellamy – Charlie's best mate and almost likeness save for his dark hair – leads the group. His long strides carry him ahead of Master Gunner Daniel Tew, as well as former Dutch-colonial slave and current ship's cook Jonas. But it's the sight of the final sailor from the Phoenix Rising coming up the pier, which makes me lose control of all my emotions.

I haven't wanted to admit it for fear of the worst, but I now realize that after Cade, my greatest worry has been for Henry's safety. As he pushes past the others to reach me, I feel myself getting faint. Sam gets to me just in time as I drop the bag and collapse into his arms.

"Miss. Miss! Are you all right, Miss?" I open my eyes to see the boy hovering over me, as the others look on with equally worried expressions.

I rub my temple and attempt to push myself up. "Yes. It's just the heat and worry of the last few days, that's all." Sam helps me to my feet and steps away. "Thank you, Mister Bellamy. It's wonderful to see you. It's wonderful to see you all."

I briefly look into each of their faces, which now display a mix of relief, weariness, and perhaps a bit of guilt. Although Jonas' arm is in a sling and Tew's spectacles are bent, none look too worse for wear. At least they're alive, which is more than we can say about many others who sailed among us.

Thoughts of Charlie as he lay dying in my arms flood my memory, and my eyes fill with tears. I may regret it, but there's one question to which I must immediately know the answer.

"The captain. Do any of you know of Captain Kincade's fate?" I blurt out.

Henry looks at Jonas, who in turn glances at Tew. The spry, old man then faces me, but instead of looking at my face, he stares past at Sam in the background.

"What is it? Why aren't any of you answering me? Is he dead? Because if he is I want to know." I turn around. "Please, Mister Bellamy. I need to know."

He shakes his head and touches my elbow. "No, Miss Ana. The captain's not dead. Or he wasn't when I last saw him."

My heart skips a beat at the news, but Sam's tone warrants pursuit. "Why don't you sound happier about that, Mister Bellamy? What are you keeping from me?"

Sam pulls away and looks at the ground. "The French may have pulled him out of the water, but he was hurt, Miss."

"How bad?"

He bites his lip before answering. "Bad enough that we're not sure if you should get your hopes up."

I cover my mouth with my hand and squeeze my eyes shut, but nothing can bring back my prior ignorance. I have no choice, but to accept what Sam is telling me. In fact, I must use it spur on our undertaking to find Cade.

I take a deep breath and open my eyes again. Squaring my shoulders, I intertwine my fingers in front of me before licking my dry lips. "You'll need to tell me everything in detail, but not here."

"With no ship nor currency, we'll have a right time finding a proper place to talk in private," Tew interjects, adjusting his crooked spectacles on his nose.

For the first time in hours, I smile and tap my carpetbag with my boot. A disgruntled meow follows, prompting Henry to run over and kneel beside it. Before I can object, he opens the clasp and the sleepy cat pokes her head out.

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by RS Kovach
Instead of planning her wedding, Ana is preparing for war. ...
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