Chapter 6

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I was riding home on my longboard when yet again I crashed into somebody. Grayson Dolan.
"Hey. Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" he said offering me a hand up. I took it.
"So you really do like longboarding. You longboard everywhere. Even in school"
"Yep. That's me. The girl everyone stares at because I longboard" I said. Remembering all the glares I got from the other students. I picked up my longboard.
"So I have a question to ask you" he said. Looking a little embarrassed.
"Ok. Shoot"
"So there's this party tomorrow night at one of my friends house and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? As friends" is he serious? He thinks I'm the type of girl who goes to parties.
"As friends? Like a typical high school party? Booze, drunk guys and girls trying to get into each other's pants? No thank you" I said as I began to walk away.
"Wait wait wait" Grayson said grabbing my arm. "I didn't say it was a typical high school party. I mean sure there's going to be booze. But it's a poker party"
"A poker party? What kind of high schooler hosts a poker party?" I asked confused.
"How should I know? So are you in or out?"
Poker, my strong suit. Ha, did you like my pun. "Are we betting real or fake money?" I'd only go if real money was involved. I could use some extra cash.
"Real. But you'd have to bring your own money first and exchange it for ones" he said.
"Can I bring Janet?" I asked knowing my friend wouldn't pass up the opportunity to see Ethan Dolan.
"Who?" He asked. I began to open my mouth to respond but he cut me off. "Sure sure bring her"
"Ok I'll go. But I'd warn your brother about Janet. She has a major crush on him. She can't go five seconds without talking about him"
He let go of my arm. "Ok. I'll pick you up at your house at around 7" he said and walked back to his house.
I walked the rest of the way to my house. An amazing thirty feet. I walked up to my room and texted Janet.
Lacey: Hey Janet. We just got invited to a party tomorrow night.
Janet: Seriously. Will Ethan be there?
Lacey: Yes. He will be. It's a poker party. So if you want bring money.
Janet: Ok. Cool.
Lacey: Meet me at my house tomorrow night at 7. That's when the twins are taking us.
Janet: Oh my gosh. The twins are taking us!
My phone was now buzzing off the charts with Janet's text messages. I left my phone on
my bed and went downstairs to ask my mom if I could go. She was in the kitchen making brownies. My mom loved to cook sweets.
"Hey Mom"
"Hey sweetie. What's up?" She asked.
"Um well. I got invited to a party"
"Really! Well you have to go" she said excitedly.
"I was planning to. Can I borrow like 5 twenty dollar bills?"
"A hundred bucks. What for?"
"Well it's sort of a poker party and I need money to play" I said. My eyes blinking rapidly. Whenever I was nervous I couldn't stop blinking.
"Hmmm. Ok. I'll make you a deal. I'll give you the money if you win it back. You give me one hundred bucks back and you can keep the rest" she said.
"It's a deal" she ran to her purse and got out 5 twenty dollar bills. "Thanks mom" I kissed her cheek and ran back upstairs to put it in a place where I wouldn't forget it and Hunter wouldn't find it.

AN: Thank you guys for reading. I'm going to try and stop doing authors notes at the end of each chapter.

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