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You and Damon had grown up together, you had even shared a crib as babies when your parents got together some nights. So it was no surprise when you became sweet hearts.

The two of you were the talk of the town. Everyone was just waiting for damon to ask you to marry him. They could all see it was bound to happen, but you were oblivious to it all. You were madly in love and that is all that mattered.

Damon however, knew about the expectations of the town, and his father had been pressuring him to ask for your hand. Damon was ready for marriage, but he was holdning off asking you because of all the pressure his father had been putting on him. He wanted to do it when he was ready and not a moment before.

On your 19th birthday, Damon saw you in your party dress and immediately knew it was time. He just had to find the right moment to do it in, However that moment didn't come until three days later. You were out walking in the rose garden behind your house, enjoying a bit of sunshine, as a break from all the rain mystic falls had been experiencing for the past week.

You bent down to smell one of the roses when a pair of hands covered your eyes. You jumped and wipped around and saw Damon laughing at you.

"Really Damon, must you always do that"

"Yes my dear I do believe I must."

You turned around and began to walk away knowing full well that he would follow you."Please don't be mad Y/N, it was just a bit of fun." He pleaded with you.

"How about we make a deal Damon. All will be forgiven if..."

"If what?"

"If you can catch me." Then you started running away from him and into the trees that sourounded your families property.

Damon smiled and then took off after you. He could have easily cought you before you reached the tree line, but he ws having fun and wanted you to have fun as well.

You kept running until you were tired, and then you stopped and leaned against a tree. A moment later you became acutely aware about how quiet everything had gotten. Suddenly Damon jumped out from the bushes infront of you and shouted "BOO!"

"Damon!" You shrieked. But then you smiled and walked towards him. "Why must you always scare me like that."

"I guess it's just part of who I am, kinda like you are Y/N."

"I'm not sure I understand..."you trailed off. Damon's tone had changed to a very serious one that you hardly ever heard.

"When I'm around you Y/N, I feel complete. At peace. Incredibly happy. When we are apart, I feel like a piece, a piece of me vital for my survival, is missing. I'm so in love with you that I am lost when you aren't near me. We've been together since we were kids. You are there for me whenever I am angry at Stefan or my father. And for anything else I might need someone for."

Then he got down on one knee and you gasped, not expecting this at all. Y/N Y/L/N, will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife so we can be together forever?"


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