Chapter 3: Lilacs for Lilies.

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Chapter 3: Lilacs for Lilies.

We walked up to the path, I could tell apart our foot steps. Brian’s were heavier and set at a much quicker pace. Mine were a small tapping left at a calming pace, trailing behind him. I wanted to stay outside, feel the sun on my skin, the grass beneath my finger tips; I want to feel the cool after spray of the sprinklers. I want to smell the freshly cut grass lingering in the air along with the smell of water from the sprinklers. I want to hear the cars go by, I want to hear the sprinklers spraying water onto the lawns and the children playing in the street.

We walked into the house after being greeted by Matt. Val was gone out today which I don’t mind. I smiled as we entered the house. The open area was cool; I could hear the guys talking in the back yard. They’re probably on the patio having a couple beers. I could feel the air conditioning whisk by me quickly sending the smell of Lilies into my system.

I furrowed my eye brow curiously. Usually their Lilacs in the house, from the Lilac bush out back. But today it’s Lilies. Should I comment on it? I want to but I don’t want to seem like everything needs to stay as they are just for me. I’m a human being too; I don’t need people to stay the same for me.

“What’s wrong, Scout?” Matt asked with a calming voice. I smiled slightly and tilted my head slightly.

“What happened to the Lilacs? They’ve been replaced with Lilies.” I commented with a grateful tone. I could tell they were moving around, the two men sent breezes made by movement my way.

“I honestly don’t know. I guess Val replaced them, I never even noticed.” Matt replied with a chuckle.

“Good nose you’ve got there.” Matt added. I smiled and blushed happily.

“It comes in handy when someone comes over.” I said softly. I felt Brian pull me out onto the patio where I could hear three men talking nonsense. I smiled widely; I knew the umbrella was up by the way I walked from in the sun light into the cool shade. I felt Brian push down on my shoulders, letting me know that I can sit down in a lawn chair. The chair squeaked and flexed as I let myself sink into it. I could smell the beer in the air along with old spice body wash. I smiled and sat in the chair happily. I would have a drink with them but I’m not allowed alcohol the day before the operation. So I just had a can of soda.

I felt a soft fur run across the back of my legs. I smiled widely and hung my hand down to pet the small fluffy, curly haired dog.

“Hello Pinkly.” I greeted as the dog sniffed my hand carefully before running its hot, wet tongue along my fingers. She jumped up onto my lap, knowing I’d be more than happy to pet her. I ran my fingers through her fur as she sat on my lap.

“Tomorrow is the big day.” I heard Jimmy speak up with a happy tone. I smiled and nodded.

“Yep, I’m really nervous.” I replied softly. My stomach was packed full of butterflies fluttering away. My heart was beating quickly inside my chest.

“There is nothing to be nervous about; you more than deserve to be able to see again.” Zack said with a broad voice. I could tell he was shouting slightly by the elevation in his voice. I chose not to comment in case it was just me. When you only have four senses they’re much more intense than a normal person with all five senses. Things are softer or rougher; the smells are much more intense. Sounds are louder and clearer. You can taste every ingredient in your food; it’s very overwhelming if you’re new to the whole only having four senses thing.

I smiled and listened to the guys talking about what the plans are for the next little while. Brian demanded I stayed at his house, even though he stayed just across the street from me. I noticed Johnny was really quiet today; it made me wonder if he left without saying Good-Bye.

“Guys, is Johnny still with us?”I asked with a steady voice.

“Yeah, I’m still here.” Johnny replied. I smiled and nodded.

“You’re really quiet today, why is that?” I questioned him. I could hear him stutter over his words as he came up with an answer. I waited patiently for him to reply with a steady answer.

“I don’t know why I’m so quiet today, to be honest.” He came up with a good answer. I nodded and kept petting Pinkly who was sitting nicely in my lap.

“So Brian told me that he’s gonna be the last person you interact with before the operation and the first person you see when the bandages come off.” Matt said an almost jealous voice. I smiled and laughed a girly giggle. How did he know that? Brian must’ve texted him when I wasn’t listening. I sighed deeply and nodded.

“Yeah, he says he’s going to drive me to the hospital and wait the whole ten hours for me. I told him I’m a big girl and I can hail a cab but he’s so hell bent on being there.” I replied with a grateful tone. I could hear Matt, Zack, Johnny and Jimmy laugh hardily while Brian shifted in his seat.

“I’m not letting you go through with this alone and you are staying at my house, I need to make sure you’re safe.” Brian announced with a stubborn tone. I shook my head and sighed heavily. This is just like him, hell bent on making sure I was okay. He’s like that over protective friend every body has. It’s okay most of the time but some times it gets annoying. I could hear the guys snickering away at us.

“Why don’t you just stay at my house? I live right across the street.” I muttered to him. I could hear him groaning and moaning and taking the piss out of this situation. I cocked an eye brow as I heard him muttering ungratefully under his breathe. He was complaining about him wanting me to stay at his house and me protesting, he said I was a stubborn little girl. Damn right, I am. I’m going to lead him on a little bit before I give in to his idea of me staying with him.

“Brian, I think you’re forgetting, I’m blind not deaf.” I reminded him. A loud roar of laughter filled the air around me happily. But then life turned serious.

“Brian, are you coming with us in a couple days?” Matt asked from across the table. I knew they were referring to their little trips that they make. I’m pretty sure they’re fishing trips.

“I’m not sure.” He replied with a strict tone. He sounded far too serious for fishing but he must want to stay at home with me. I grinned and shook my head.

“You need to go man; it’ll be good for you.” I stated with a light tone.

“Yeah, it’ll be good for you. It’ll put some food on the table.” Zack’s tone was eagerly pushing Brian into going with him. I felt the uneasiness in the air as Brian didn’t reply.

The day wore into evening and the sun began to set. The warm air cooled down but the heat remained still. The smell of camp fires filled the air along with the smell of food cooking on the open flame. I could hear the cars drive down the street and the kids still playing along the roads. But crickets’ music filled the air along with the sound of little frogs’ crooks. I heard a chair squeak loudly as someone got up. By the sounds of it, it was Brian. I guess it was time to go, sadly. I didn’t want to leave just yet. I was very content of staying a while longer. I didn’t feel him pull me to my feet so I assumed he was just going to the bathroom. I waited patiently for him to return; I smiled and listened to the small talking. I felt a large hand press down on my shoulder lightly not long after Brian has left. I inhaled his scent deeply and smiled.

“Open your hands.” His voice pressed my ear. His hot breath caressed the side of my face heavily. I could smell the faint smell of beer on it. He hadn’t had a drink since early this afternoon so he should be good to drive. My smile grew when I opened my hands. I felt something soft fall into them, it was soft and smooth. It was a flower, I could feel the soft peddles and the long, bumpy stem. I inhaled deeply to in take the smell of Lilac.

“Lilac.” I replied with a gentle voice.

“It just fell from the bush. I thought it was too nice to be on the ground where Matt would surly run over it with the lawn mower.” He said happily. I nodded and giggled slightly. I heard Matt mutter at us jokingly.

“Thank you, I love it.” My voice was soft and caring. I sat carefully with the flower in my hands. Why was he so nice to me? He didn’t need to be this caring. He’s been such a good friend. I loved that about him. He’s a badass for the fans but he’s a sweet guy for everyone else.  

“Guys, next time you see me, I’ll be able to see you too.” I said with a happy tone. I was so excited for this operation.

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