Chapter 4: Rise And Shine.

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Chapter 4: Rise and Shine.

I lay in the bed. I gave in and stayed at Brian’s house. He made me sleep in his bed, even though there is a guest bedroom with a perfectly good bed just down the hall. I could hear the crickets chirping away outside. The children have long gone to bed. The cars came down the street less frequently. I could hear Brian watching TV down the hall. I had tried to sleep but I was far too nervous. I could feel the cool breeze coming in from the open window. I sank into the bed; the soft bedding fell underneath me. I loved the way the cotton felt under my skin. I also rather enjoyed the smell I got from the bedding. It was intoxicating, like a drug that you can’t live without.

I heard the house phone ring loudly, instantly it stopped and I heard Brian’s voice clearly. He picked up so fast because he didn’t want me to wake up. I smiled to myself at that thought. But it was wiped from my face when I over heard the conversation rather clearly, well one side of the conversation.

“Hello?” Brian greeted as if he knew exactly who he was talking too. The tone of his voice was strict but friendly. But then it held lots of venom in it.

“I told you, I’m out. I’m going to get a job, a real job.” He spat harshly.

“Why, because I want an apple pie life. I want to settle down, get married and maybe have a kid or two. So I’m out.” He growled. That was when the conversation was in low mumbles, I couldn’t hear anything. Nor did I want too. What the hell was he talking about?

My heart raced as I heard footsteps pat their way quietly down the hall way. I closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep so he wouldn’t complain about it. I heard the door knob turn carefully until it unlatched. The door squeaked open. I was sunk into the pillows, my limbs loose and noodle like. I heard the foot steps come over to the side of the bed; a warm hand touched my cold shoulder.

“Heather, rise and shine.” He whispered quietly. My eyes opened tiredly to see nothing but black. I stretched out on the bed as I faced the way I heard the voice come from.

“What time is it?” I asked with a weary voice. I heard the alarm clock slid a little bit then drop down with a thump only plastic can make.

“It’s just after eleven.” He replied softly. I nodded and tossed the blankets off of me. Brian protested against me making his bed again but it wouldn’t sit right with me if I didn’t make his bed. I also got ready, like brushing my hair, tying it up in a bun and brushing my teeth. I was going to go the hospital in a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt with a pair of slippers so I was comfortable.

My heart was fluttering with excitement and joy. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach nervously. I could feel the amount of nervousness radiating off him as well. I was told to sit on the couch and wait for him to finished panicking and running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I could hear his quick and heavy footsteps roaming the halls, shutting things off and making sure I had everything in my bag. I was going to be spending a few days in the hospital so they can keep an eye on me. (Pun intended)

I stayed seated quietly; my eyes were barely able to stay open. I really wish I had gotten some sleep now. This is going to be a long night.

“C’mon you’re taking forever.” I called out for him.

“I’m coming, hang on.” He called back to me. I smiled and shook my head.

“What are you? A woman?” I called back to him with a cheeky smile. I knew that would get him moving a bit quicker. He hates it when I call him a woman. But I don’t do it often. I only call him a chick when he’s taking forever to do something or if he can’t decide what to wear. I heard his hardy laugh as he came into the living room. I felt his hand wrap around my arm, his flesh was hot and sweaty with nervousness. He pulled me to my feet and guided me through the house.

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