Chapter 14: You Told Me To Think 'Bout it, Well I Did.

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 Chapter 14: You Told Me to think 'Bout it, Well I Did. 

1 year later. 


Heather and I have been trying our hardest to have a baby but it's been a year and there has been no luck. Life is getting stressful again. Luckily I got a new job in a bank, because of my clean record and ability to work well with money and people. The IRS has been on our asses because like 2.5 million dollars has been reported missing over the last year. So I've been having a pay cut which means my pay isn't what it's supposed to be. I get paid like $25 a day but now I'm down to $10 a day, that's $1.25 an hour and I only work five days a week so I'm bringing in less than Heather. She brings in nearly $125 weekly but she's also working fourteen hour shifts instead of her usual eight. I’ve even been working overtime, maybe 15-16 hours a day. We're just struggling a lot right now and being stuck in a drab bank all day isn't helping my brain function properly. 

I sat behind my desk which was stationed off to the side of the bank where there were two desks that had a cubical divider between them. On the other side was Vivian, a mother of two teenagers who's been working at this bank for twelve years.

I sighed as I decided to pay Heather's banking history a little visit. I usually do that when I'm about to go on break. Heather's banking history wasn't anything new, the usual weekly pay and sometimes the extra money her parents would chip in to help us get by easier. 

So here I am, scrolling, scrolling, and scrolling, being the nosy boyfriend by looking at her banking history which isn't anything new to be honest until I hit something that caught my interest. I'd scrolled past it so I had to go back up to see if I wasn't just imagining it. And sure enough I wasn't. The day that we found out we weren't going to be parents after all she made a $5,000 deposit into her account. This made me go into my banking history and sure enough the same exact day a $550 deposit into my account was made. Heather got $5,550? Who did she get it from? How the hell did she get her hands on that amount of money? And it was a cheque. I clicked the date and it showed that it was from her boss; the day that she found out she wasn’t pregnant. Calm down Brian, it was probably just a raise because of the kid. I backed out of that and scrolled back up only to find something very interesting in there that I missed the first time. Every month she goes to the clinic and makes a purchase, due to Doctor/patient confidentiality it doesn’t say what she got. But it started the day after her and Jimmy went to coffee.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket which made me bring it out to see who was contacting me. Usually if it's a call I'll send them straight to voice mail but if it's text I'll reply. An incoherent smile was placed upon my face like a shield of honour. It was Heather texting me. 

Gonna be late at work, won't be home until 9-ish. :( I made pasta last night and you never ate it so you can reheat it if you want. See you at home. Xoxo. :) 

Her text message made the smile fall from my face, I get off work at five but I don't get home until about six-ish so I'm spending three house all by myself. Heather and I very rarely see each other during the week which sucks. I sighed and replied to her text after looking at the clock ‘4:59’. Work is over at 5 and as far as I know I don’t work overtime today, so I’m all good.

Just as I was about to type the message when my boss, the branch manager; Drew went to the centre of the bank floor after seeing the last customer out. Drew was a bigger guy, not muscular either. He’s shorter than me but not as short as Johnny and he’s round. I’m gonna describe him in one sentence. He’s an egotistical, sadistic, over paid fat pig that sexually harasses all the women who work here and he’s fucking bossy. He told everyone the IRS will be here tomorrow to check the books so we’re all gonna need to be here bright and early.

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