[Chapter 41:Visitors,Hell,Finding Out]

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<Nicholas's Pov>
I'm sitting in the house with everyone just chilling,yesterday Diadora Astaroth showed up and got his nuts kicked in.Sirzechs informed us earlier today that Diadora's being charged with attacking a Foreign Diplomat which is a serious charge.So that was fun to hear,but anyways as we're chilling a beam of light appears alongside a magic circle.We look seeing Michael,Gabriel ,& Irina come from the Light as Azazel,Vali,her team,and another new person come thru the magic circle........

We look seeing Michael,Gabriel ,& Irina come from the Light as Azazel,Vali,her team,and another new person come thru the magic circle

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Dad:Oh Azazel good you're here.
Azazel:What's up 
[He's interrupted by Dad grabbing him and taking him off to I assume his workshop....]
Grandma:Well ignoring that Irina(She looks at them)it has been some time since we saw you.
Hina:Damn there's another beauty Nick got.
[I slowly look at her]
Eve:What she was already kissing you in your sleep so....
[I slowly look at Irina]
Me:........Wh....I.....*Defeated Sigh/Drops Head*Ya know what I give up(I flop down on the floor)I accept defeat just do what you want.
[Akeno starts standing up with a grin and I immediately bounce up]
Akeno:*Giggles*Ah what's wrong Nick?
Vali:.....Is it always like this?
Me:Pretty much.
????:*Snickers*You certainly are fun Red & White One(I look at the new girl)I'm Anna a Descendant of The Great Hero Gilgamesh.
Mom:*Sigh*And his brain crashed again.
Me:.......*Reboots*N-Nice to meet you Anna......(I stop as something pops into my mind)wait....actually hold on....(I look at Michael)this just popped into my head but uh.....where the fucking is Jesus?(Everyone looks at me blankly)Shouldn't he be up in heaven or something?
Michael:W-Well actually Brother Christ's Soul was divide up among the Holy Sacred Gear such as the Holy Grail and True Longinus.
[I nod and then my family start again]
Dutch:Hey Nick(I look at him)looks like you caught ah Angel's eye to.
[He gestures to Gabriel and I look at her seeing her stiffen up & blush before looking away]

Chris:*Curious*Would they even be able to fuck tho?(We all slowly look at her)What?It's ah genuine question.
Bikou:*Snicker*Man you guys are ah riot.
Nicole:Should see us when we get drunk.
Me:Oh dear not God not again(Everyone looks at me)last time you all got drunk I ended up fighting Yujiro.....that was not fun.
Rias:*Confused*Who's Yujiro?
Me:TLDR someone who tossed my ass around a fucking baton.......didn't knock me out tho....I think I earned his respect to some degree cuz of that......
[I look down remembering that day]
Mom:Anyways what are you all doing here?
Vali:Well Azazel's having me and my team stay in this town to help protect it.
Michael:And I wanted to have Irina stationed here to help strengthen our group's bond.
Biscuit:Huh.....even a Angel is approving of you two.
[I slowly look at him]
Me:Okay why is it whenever a girl is near by me ya'll immediately start talking about us sleeping together?

Hina:*Raised Eyebrow*Would you prefer we talk about you and Gasper?(I look at her)Oh please you can't tell me you wouldn't after all you gotta admit he's totally your type.
[Everyone looks at me]
Me:1st-Go Fuck Yourself.....
Hina:How bout letting Kiba do it.
[Kiba's face explodes in a crimson blush before he faints]
Me:*Sigh*.....2nd-Please don't start Gasper already has trouble with his social anxiety and 3rd-........*Shrug*Yeah you got me there.
[My family nods as everyone else is surprised]
Anna:*Raised Eyebrow*Are you Bi?
Me:.....Eh more pansexual,but meh.....I..I just....don't really care about gender or.....physical appearance in general...more of a connection thing for me to be honest.
[They all nod]
Chris:*Grinning*Remember Cody.
[I feel my face start to burn up]

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