Chapter 7
He was reading. No offence but it just surprised me and all. who would have thought him out of all people would sit and read. anyway i made my way towards him. he didn't seem to notice me at all so i decided to say something.
"Good book?" i asked him. he slowly looked up from the book looking slightly embarresed.
"Umm.. yeah its okay."
"it's pretty pridictable and all isn't it?" i stood there not believing i was creating a convrsation with him on a book!
"yeah totally but can we keep this between us?" he asked slightly nodding his head towards the book.
"what? about you reading?"
"yes you see im a footballer and im very sure i will get bullied if the rest of the team find out i read romance novels. i will lose my place on the team. You've only been at this school for a few weeks so you may not of met the coach but he made jokes and took our last goal-keeper off the team because he went ice-skating every sunday. Seriously you cannot tell anyone not even your little friend Lulu!"
"Her name is Lola!"
"Same thing."
"Whatever anyway i wont tell anyone of your little hobby. But now can you tell me what we are doing for the bloody project then i can go and you can get back to your book!"
Hey! I told you about my reading and now your making fun out of me!"
"sorry. It was only a joke. But anyway we better get starting soon otherwise the libaray will be shutting while we have made absolutly no progress!"
Im really sorry! I know this chapter is a bit boring
Sarahxx x