Chapter 3

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I wake up in a straitjacket. I look around at the room that I had spent so many hours in. Welcome back solitary confinement. It will be better off this way. I get this voice that makes me kill people. Call me schizophrenic but I'm not. I'm just homicidal. It doesn't happen that often, but when it does, I always follow through with it. I just can't help but think, I should kill myself. The world would be a much better place without me running around. Celyn doesn't know about my mental state. Not until today. I just want to die. I should not have obeyed that voice. I just lost my only friend ever. I have officially labeled myself a killer. She doesn't need to know that this is my second time at this asylum. She would and will never trust me. She doesn't know how many people I know here. I almost killed the majority of them. The nogitsune knew about me being here and the homicidal rages that I had. Suddenly, I see Celyn step out of the shadows. "Well, well. You thought I wouldn't know. I knew everything that happened. I saw the days in here. I know how you feel lost and abandoned. You are broken. I can help you survive. You don't have to die. I can help you control it. I am after all schizophrenic. I tricked you. I was your roommate. I was the one who helped you escape. I finally got out.  You don't know what happens here at midnight, do you? They kill someone who was falsely accused of having a mental illness. We are the ones they fear. The normal ones do this to us. We are the ones who deserve to die. So what do you say? Want to go witness a death at midnight to the nemeton?" she smiles at me. I smile back.

"Of course."


Celyn and I walk into the forest as the normal one is being dragged along by the insane. They all laugh maniacally. This is our way of getting back at society. We are the ones who are beaten, broken, and ostracized by the rest of the world. The majority of the insane have dealings with the supernatural world. It's really no surprise that Celyn and I ended up here. We both are nutcases like the rest of them are. As the sacrifice is dragged to the nemeton, we hear a voice. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to tonight's human sacrifice," the feminine voice rings out.  I recognize it. It's Dr. Williams. She was just as crazy as the rest of us. We see a guillotine shine in the distance. I smile, excited for the sacrifice. The sacrifice struggles as Williams' henchmen drag him up there. They untie his ropes and place his head in the hole where it will get chopped off. They shackle him in there. "Tonight, we shall see more life be brought to the supernatural beacon. We shall grow in numbers as more come.  Tonight, we take the life of another. Executioner, ready the blade!" she exclaims. The black masked man readied his rope. As Dr. Williams made the motion for him to be severed, the sacrifice screamed. Then the clean shlock as the head spurted blood from the neck over the crowd. Dr. Williams picked up the still bleeding head as it still screamed silently. The crowd cheered as it finally rested in peace. Celyn and I head back to the asylum. I see the head placed on a stick amongst the millions of others as the nemeton grows in power. I feel alive. Nothing ever made me feel this alive. I loved this asylum when I first came to it. I still do. We also see the full moon. Howls pierce the night silence. It was the dawning of the age of the supernatural.

{AUTHORS NOTE- Hi guys!!! What an interesting chapter! Sorry about the gore. I had to get some action in it! This is actually my first book with multiple chapters. It's going to get a little more bloodier next chapter! If you guys have any suggestions about what I need to change or get rid of, let me know! I love feedback and will take it! See you guys next chapter!}

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