Chapter 9

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  I wake up to Celyn shaking me awake. "What do you want from me?" I moan.

  "Something happened last night. Something supernatural. I think Dr. Williams is looking for you. I scramble out of bed. I throw on a clean pair of sweats and a clean shirt. I needed to do my laundry but that is irrelevant. I run out of my room and towards the swarm of people in the cafeteria. I see Ross pushing people out of the way. He stops. Kyra was standing in the cafeteria with flames surrounding her. I push through the crowd.

  "Kyra! Calm down! It's me, Jacquelyn. I am not trying to hurt you," I say to Kyra as the flames rage around her. "Ross, right now, I need you to clear all of the people out of the cafeteria. I have this under control. I still hate you though," I say to Ross. I start to walk towards Kyra. "Hey, it's ok. Everything is going to be ok," I say in a calm voice. She turns around and looks at me. Her eyes look haunted.

  "They are all around me. They are closing in. They want me!" Kyra says in a panicked tone.

  "You are going to be fine. I am here to help you. I can get rid of them,' I  say to Kyra as she continues to look around. "Ross! How's it coming over there?" I yell to Ross who was trying to get the crowd to leave. 

  "Not very well! They won't leave!" he yells back to me.

  " Hey guys! We have it from here! I'm going to need you guys to leave however, for safety purposes," I yell at the onlookers. The crowd started back to their rooms. I approached Kyra. "Hey, Kyra.  They are gone, ok? I need you to respond to me," I say to the distant girl.

  "I'm fine, now. I didn't know that I had fire powers. It just came and they got worse with my panic attack. Thanks for helping me, Jacquelyn," Kyra says, returning back to reality. She gives me a hug. I hug her back. The flames had died down. I head back to my room after I walk Kyra back to her room. I pull out my bestiary. Dr. Williams gave me one when I agreed to become the nemeton. I open to the fire beings. It says phoenix, fire kitsune, and hellhound. I look at all three of the entries. The phoenix entry said nothing but that they were extremely rare and had a special connection to the nemeton.  The fire kitsune said that they were an extremely common breed of kitsune. The kitsune had ties to the nogitsune. I haven't heard from him recently. He had left Celyn. The hellhound entry said that they would be near the gates to hell. I grabbed my map and mapped out where the gates to Hell would be. They were nowhere near Oldeknowe. That left the option of fire kitsune and phoenix. I'm betting on phoenix. She seemed like she had a special connection to me. It helps knowing who is the living manifestation of the nemeton. I look at the picture. I walk to the library. Maybe, they have information. I go to the p section. I see that the topic of phoenix had one book that looked really old. I pick it out from the shelf. I go to a couch and start to read. 'The phoenix will often set fyre to itself and objects without knowing it. They can be approached during this state. However, the only thing that can get them to snap out is the nemeton. It makes them feel awake.'  I know that she is a phoenix. She had the ability to do that once I started talking to her. I check out the book and head back to the room. I realize that it was almost 6 at night. I had missed lunch and breakfast. I head back to the room and order my food to be delivered to my room.

  "Hi , where were you at dinner? I was actually looking forward to seeing your confrontation with Blayde. It would have been interesting," Celyn asked.

  "I was researching. I was wondering what Kyra was, after this morning. I have decided that she is a phoenix. She calmed down after I started talking to her. She had flames raging around her.  She was going to burn up and be reborn," I say with a hint of excitement.

  "Well someone was busy today," she says with a joking tone.

  "Yes I was, deal with it," I tell her back with the same tone. I started to eat my cold food. I also pick up the book that told me about the phoenix. It had some parts in Gaelic. I could read those parts just fine. I finish the plate of food that had gotten extremely cold. I walk down to the cafeteria. I needed to get out of our room. I had been a kind of introvert today. I was walking back when I ran into Kyra. "Hi, Kyra. How are you?" I ask. 

  "I'm good. You saved the asylum and my life. Thank you," Kyra responds.

  " Hey, I knew you before this. I was your older sister. I want to look out for my sister that I didn't get to see grow up. I did some research today," I tell her. In my mind, I thought that it was time for me to tell her. 

  " Did you figure out what I am?" Kyra asks.

  "Yes. You are a phoenix. You will be revived after you burn alive," I tell her without a shadow of a doubt.

  "Cool! I feel important," Kyra says with excitement.

  "You are very important to the supernatural world," I tell her, serious.

  "Of course! I will  protect it at all costs," she replies. 

"I should probably get back. Celyn will be wondering about me," I tell her as I hug her goodbye.

 "I'll talk to you tomorrow," Kyra says as she walks away. I head back to my room and flop down on my bed. I lay back and fall asleep quickly. 

(A/N- Hi!!! I actually updated twice today! I'm pretty proud of myself. Chapter 9 was pretty boring. It was a filler. It was interesting to see that Kyra was something supernatural. Don't forget, she has hypnogogia too! Hope you guys enjoyed! Maybe another tomorrow!! Bye guys!!!!!)

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