You Can't Kill All Of Us

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*Three Days Later*

Ashley's P.O.V

"Get your face out of the fucking window and run out of the house!" I whispered angrily at the TV.

In all honesty I had never watched a horror film in broad daylight, but today I was so bored out of my mind that I walked to the Red Box in front of Walgreens and rented one.

It wasn't very interesting. Much like others, it involved a group of teenagers camping in the wrong side of the woods. Blood, gore, and bone-crushing deaths. The whole horror works.

I sighed as the girl didn't follow my smart suggestion and stayed staring out the cabin's window at her now dead friend. Staying still with a shaky hand over her mouth, she didn't notice the psycho murderer behind her.

A lift of the axe and a quick movement of the murder's arms later, the girl lay dead on the floor. Her brain exposed and smothered all over the wooden floor.

"I told you."

I reached over for my beer on the floor and took a quick swig. The house was so alone and empty without Amy and Roger. It was a good thing it was Friday today, so tomorrow they would be free to do all the missing noise the whole day.

After the... outing with Andy on Tuesday, we had pretty much stopped contacting each other. I wasn't sure on why he hadn't at least texted me these last couple of days, but I sure as hell knew why I hadn't contacted him.

I took onther swig at my beer and clicked the TV off. These past couple of days all I had been thinking about was Andy and his strange personality. Why? I had no fucking clue.

I was scared, that's for sure. I didn't want to think much about it, because it made my head turn in nonexistent circles and my chest squeeze.

So, I shook it off and stood up to leave the livingroom. Before I could walk out the door frame, my phone buzzed in my pocket right on cue.

Sometimes my world is so cliche I wonder if the theory of someone writing them is true or not. With a sigh and a perplexed look on my face, I retrieved my phone and saw that I had a text message.

Non other than Andy's name was right next to the small speech bubble. I bit my lip then stopped noticing that wasn't very manly of me and unlocked the phone.

Hi. It said simply. I frowned. Andy didn't seem the type to text first.


It wasn't long until my phone buzzed again with a new message. How's the deafening silence around there?

My lips broke into a small smile. That exactly, deafening.

Wanna hang out or something? Movies?

I considered what to say and then realized I had nothing better to do. Despite the ever burning squeeze in my heart, I agreed. Sure why not? Meet you at the movies?

Nah, I'll pick you up. Give me about thirty minutes.

Andy's P.O.V

I threw my iPhone across the livingroom and watched it land exactly where I wanted it to, the couch. I slid down the wall slowly until I sitting on the floor with my knees close to my chest.

I didn't know why I was so nervous to text him like this. I knew I was gay and I knew he was a guy, but I also new that he was my brother.

I didn't want to like him like this but since the other day when we had ate burgers in the apartment, my heart hasn't calmed the fuck down. It's merely a crush, if anything.

I wasn't in love with Ash, but I did feel atracted to him and I wanted to stop. I hadn't contacted him these past three days because since he had left the apartment I had been mulling over what I felt.

I had come to the conclusion that I most definitely felt something more than friendship towards Ashley. He didn't feel the same, I was certain of it.

He was a straight guy from California, with a natural tan and a charming smile. He wasn't gay, or bi, or pan, or anything that could imply him liking other men.

I took a breath and picked Crow up from his little cat bed. "Crow, you're getting heavy." I whispered.

He purred in response and curled against my chest. If I was going to go to the movies with Ash, I might as well change out of my pajamas. So, I set Crow back down and went into my room.
Ashley's P.O.V

I threw on a different shirt and straightened my hair to get rid of the frizz that the couch had caused. Once I was comfortable with the way I looked, I left to wait for Andy on the front steps.

A little bit of a shorter chapter. Well at least Andy has admitted his feelings, let's see how long it takes Ashley.


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