To The Tune Of Your Death

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Ashley's P.O.V

It's just one phone call away. Make this phone call and his voice will come through and you'll be able to tell him all you have discovered. He'll be happy.

Then it'll be over soon. All you have to do is tell your dad that you love the son of the love of his life. Easy as pie.

Andy's P.O.V

The smile on my face grew as the Batman theme song started to play. I swear that this show is the best in the entire planet.

You've got an amazing hero, a smart sidekick, goofy villains who aren't a match to the hero, and those iconic comic book idioms like BAM AND ZAP.

I mean what else can you truly ask for in life? Adam West 1960s Batman is the best.

Crow seemed to agree with me as he curled himself up into my lap. I petted the small spot behind his ears as he watched the television with me. It was incredible how focused he could be when we did something together.

The theme song ended and the narrator started talking about Gotham City.

"Evil's my friend. Evil's my friend again. Evil's my friend. Evil's my friend again."

"No! Not during Batman!" I exclaimed before reaching over to the coffee table (eyes still glued to the television, obviously) to reach my cell phone.

Ashley's caller ID flashed on the screen with a big smile at me. My heart swelled with happiness at the sight, but I still gave Batman my attention.


"Hey Andy." Ashley said through the phone. Oh Jesus I missed his voice. "What's up?"


His adorable laugh echoed through the speaker. "You're watching your show?"

"Yeah. Nothing but the best one out there."

"That's great."

There was a pause after he spoke. It's like he was holding his breath against the microphone. My brow instantly furrowed as Batman continued to play for my enjoyment.

"Something wrong?" I asked, turning my eyes from the television for a second.

There was hesitation before he talked again. His nervousness was almost tangible. "I talked to your mom." He said finally.

At this point Batman wasn't the most important thing in the room anymore. I got up from my seat and walked to the other side of the room for concentration. Crow jumping from my lap.

My heart was being squeezed.

"You talked to my mom?" I said breathlessly. "About what exactly?"

"I talked to her about how I felt towards you and about my sexuality quest thing." He said with a sigh. "She's totally cool about it."

Of course she is Ashley. She already knows what's going on. "What did she say about you finding your sexuality?"

"Well she helped me find it. I know what I am again Andy."

A smile spread across my face as I heard his voice turn from worry to relief for a brief moment. My heart was fluttering. "That's great Ash. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks." The smile on his face could be heard. "But we still have a big problem."

Now it was my turn to hold my breath. "And that is?"

"Telling my dad."

I released the breath I was holding as a sense of relief washed over me. I was completely convinced that telling Roger about all this wasn't going to be a problem.

Roger is such a great guy. When my mom and he started going out I was a little skeptical about him, I have to admit that. But as the time went by I realised how great of a guy he was.

He insisted on spending time with me and every time we did he assured me he wasn't trying to replace my dad. It warmed my heart that he understood how much I missed my father and the concerns I had about him.

Then one day I told him I was gay and he was quiet for a minute. I was afraid that I had scared him off but he was okay with it. He just patted me on the back and told me that love was love and that your sexuality shouldn't be something you should me ashamed of.

I didn't think it would be any different when he found out that Ashley wasn't heterosexual. Love is love, he had said.

"Ash, that's not a problem." I reassured. "I told you already, he said it was fine being of a different sexuality. You have nothing to worry about."

He took a deep breath before answering. "I know that's what she said to you Andy, but it's different." He sighed. I didn't like his sigh, it was a sad one. "I already told you, I'm his son. It's different. The kid he wanted to be a great person. The boy he wanted to get married with a wonderful woman is now in love with his stepson!"

My heart fluttered as he said those last words. I had to stiffle an excited scream so I wouldn't come across as rude.

"Ash, you won't be a disappointment. The fact that you aren't straight doesn't point to you not being a great person." I stopped for a reaction but he stayed silent. "You will be okay. I will be there for you every step of the way."

"Thank you. I'm just- I'm scared. But I was actually thinking on doing this... tomorrow."

My eyes widened as I relaized how close we were to this. Today would go by so fast, I wouldn't even be able to sleep tonight. Now I was nervous. Not for Rogers response but because it would all be out there.

That one small crush I had on Ash, those small daydreams I had when I was in bed. They had all turned into pain then a mutual feeling and now we're going to tell our parents.

We are actually going to do this. It's an actual thing. It's set.

"Okay." I breathed into the phone. "I will
be there around two in the afternoon. Okay?"

"Okay Andy. I- I miss you."

My stomach clenched at his words. "I miss you too."

OH MY GOD YOU GUYS! The response I had for last chapter was incredible. ^-^ I love all of you guys. The support is incredible.

It's great to think that the writing I do for fun in a corner of the couch of my house, is actually enjoyed by some people.

Thanks. <3


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