Chapter 3: Beautiful

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Hello again my carnivorous caterpillars!

I just got that update where all the emojis are yellow and its freaking me out😂😂

But anyway...



Angelica's P.O.V.

"Woah there Babydoll. Be careful, you might hurt yourself."

I'm lost for words as I take in his extremely masculine scent that smells like heaven on earth. His ocean eyes send me into a nervous shock that has me fumbling over my words.

"I-I'm sorry. I j-just wasn't looking a-an, well, your shoe, and-"

"It's fine beautiful" he quickly cuts me off, resting me back onto my own two feet.

I clear my throat and try to clear my head as well. Although around this boy apparently, that is a much harder task to accomplish.

I close my eyes briefly, readying myself to speak firmly. Yet when I open my eyes, the words fall silent on my tongue. For he is no longer in sight.

I spin around on my heel trying to find some sign of where he has vanished to, but alas I can find nothing.

I bend down to retrieve my fallen book-bag and as I do I feel I rather sharp slap.

I jolt up and search behind me, only to be met with nothing but empty space. I snatch my book-bag quickly, as to avoid any further spankings and round the corner just as I blonde tuff of hair and a smirk exit the building, calling out a swift, "Until next time beautiful!"

I grind my teeth, annoyed with the way this boy gets under my skin and with the way he thinks he can get away with such inappropriate behavior.

Stomping out of the 21st century school and down to the dormitories I conjure up ideas of how to politely ask for a change of classes.

Every few minutes I stop to pull down my skirt, as I now feel as if his eyes are still lingering on me. It is a horrible feeling that I would not wish on anyone except for the attention-seeking whores of my class.

When I arrive in front of my cleanly polished dorm room I let out a groan of frustration as I realize that I have misplaced my key. Incoherent mutters leave my pursed lips as I fumble with a bobby-pin, trying to 'break in' to my own dorm room.

It is a lot harder than one would think.

I slump against the marble wall in defeat muttering even more curses at life and writing a mental note to attend church this Sunday.

The door next to my own slowly creaks open to reveal a pair of blue eyes and long legs that I am currently trying to avoid. He messes with my head and confuses the blazes out of me.

"Having a bit of trouble there beautiful?" The nickname brings heat to my cheeks as I avert eye-contact and painfully role my eyes.

"If you would please stop calling me that."

I hear the clunking of his combats as he comes to squat in front of me, gently lifting my chin up, and forcing me to meet his sky-blue gaze. "I'm only reminding you of what you are."

Even more heat rushes to my cheeks now to the point where I am confident he can see the change of color.

"I've lost my keys." I blurt out, not breaking eye-contact.

"You're welcome to stay at mine..." He suggests, seductively biting his lip afterward.

"I'll find someone who can actually help me then, if you're simply to be a prat." I spit and quickly stand up beginning to march down the hall.

My wrists is caught by his large hand pulling me back until I face him yet again. "Here." He huffs as he takes out a credit card swiping down the left side of the door frame until we both here a 'click'.

"There you are." He smirks as his inked arm reaches out to open the door.

He holds it open for me as I retrieve my book-bag once more and walk as far as the doorframe, turning to thank him.

"It's fine. Anything for you, beautiful."

I sigh, understanding that it will take more than simply asking politely to get him to halt this nickname infatuation.

"Goodbye Luke."

"G'bye neighbor." He whispers just before he slips through the door to my right.

Just as I turn into my own room do his words register in my mind.


Luke Hemmings is my neighbor.



Tell me what you think!!!🙏🏻

Haha I can't believe I even wrote that, eh.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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