A morning in Shaolin

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"Jacaquline , it's morning." My eyes shot open to see Niko with a smile. "O-Okay," I said drowsily. I smoothed my hair so it wouldn't be a wreck and we walked to a wide building and saw men and women eating and having awfully loud conversations. We grabbed some food which had an appetizing smell. At the table, I met a man named Mayino with short red hair, Jack, the guard that greeted at us at the gate with chestnut hair, and a woman named Skye with sandy blond hair who was also a warrior.

As I walked out, Mayino ran up to me and said,"Jacaquline , I'm am building a tavern and I need some staff. Knowing you have some experience as a waitress, could you work there in the future?"

"I would love to Mayino!"

While I was having my conversation, I tripped on the path like a clumsy idiot. I put my arms in front of my face to protect it but to my surprise, one of the guard caught me, he had intense brown eyes and a smirk. He had beautiful dark brown hair. He and I were staring directly at each other for a while. Then I stood up and brushed my shirt off. He said, "My name is Aaron." I said, my cheeks flooding with a bright red, " My name is Jacaquline , nice to meet you."

I walked around Shaolin. I found their well known inn, their cafe, and a small fishing area. When I reached the fishing area, I decided to write to my family to tell my family when I heard a BOOM. I frantically looked around until I heard a shout from Niko, "EVERYONE GET TO THE CASTLE! MAGNANIMUS IS COMING."

Jacaquline SnyderWhere stories live. Discover now