The Encounter

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I rushed to Shaolin and went to where the soldiers trained. I practiced killing cows, this helped the kitchen. After a week, I went to Mallow Keep and took on a dragon. The dragon targeted me with its piercing yellow eyes. I prepared my sword and took a stab at the dragon. I managed to pierce its wing but it managed to dig its talon into the side of my face. I pulled back, holding the cut which was oozing dark red blood out. This made me furious and I gripped my sword with both hands and aimed it at the dragon's torso and I pulled the sword down and the dragon fell to the ground.

When I came back from training that day, my friends started to notice the scars on my face. Niko looked at me curiously, "What happened?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Jacaquline , what happened?" He said more sternly.

"I'm just training."

"Okay." He said carefully.

A few days later, I went to Niko's room in the castle. I knocked on his door four times. He opened the door. He was hiding something. I pushed him out of the way and said, "Niko, I have to talk to you." I froze midway as I stepped out and saw a woman with copper hair and pale face. She and Niko were kissing. Niko quickly broke away when he noticed me enter.

"Err, Jacaquline , this is my friend, she is the leader of Dragonhold, we were, um, discussing tactics.

"Niko, do I look like an idiot?"

The silence filled the room.

"Fine! I admit I am dating her," he said sternly.

"Nifty, calm down," said the woman in the corner of the room leaning against the wall.

"Anyways, 'Nifty' , I want to fight in the next battle with Magnanimus."

"NO, no."

"Niko, I have trained for just this!"

"So that's what you been doing."

"Yes, so will let you let me fight?"

"No Jacaquline , that is outrageous."

I stormed out of the office and went to Aaron's house. I knocked on the door and stood there for a while until he answered the door. "I've been waiting for you to come to my house for tea, you're a bit late," he said with smirk.

"Well, I'm here."

"So, how has it been?"

"Horrible," I said as I plopped down in a seat.

"What happened?" He said as he poured tea in my cup.

"I have been training all month and Niko says I can't fight."

He stared at the wall for some time. Soon after, a grin spread on his face.

"I have an idea, Skye is injured, borrow her armour and fight in her place without Niko knowing."

The grin copied onto my face.

"Perfect Aaron."

I drank my tea and we talked for an hour or so. When we finished, I hugged him. I think he was as surprised as I was. What did I just do? I shook my head to get the idea out of my head.

I ran to Skye's house and told her the plan and she handed me her suit of armour. I was lucky and my house wasn't that far. Now I just had to wait for next battle.

Jacaquline SnyderWhere stories live. Discover now