Uh Aaron?

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Before I open my eyes I feel my head, it hurts so much. After I open my eyes and see no other than Aaron waiting in the seat next to the cot in the medical bay.

"Hi," I said weakly.

"You're awake!" He ran out the room.

I stared at the door wondering where he went. Then I saw Skye, Jack, Mayino, Aaron and Niko walk in. My heart dropped when I saw Niko. He's going to make me leave Shaolin.

"N-Niko, I'm sorry."

"Jacaquline , you were incredible! Don't say sorry! Just what were you thinking?" said Niko.

"I didn't feel like I belonged so I trained to win for Shaolin." I said while a small, weak smile spread on my face.

"Well, you managed to make the second-in-command run like a little baby!" said Jack.

"I never managed to take him out before!" commented Skye.

"Well, I prefer you working as a soldier rather than a waitress." said Mayino.

"I can work both!" I said

"Not in your condition," said Aaron.

"I'm fin-."

I got cut off by Aaron giving me a short kiss on my lips.

"Aaron!" I blushed.

"Don't worry about it." He said smirking.


Niko decided to throw a party for Shaolin after beating Magnanimus. We may have won this battle but we still expect them coming back to visit. Everyone was dancing, even the mysterious pale lady that Niko was with. There was pastries everywhere and then we all slept in the inn pretending to be allies.

Jacaquline SnyderWhere stories live. Discover now