meet the princess

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I was woken up from my sleep to find my baby cousin hayly jumping up and down on my bed while eating ice cream 'yep she will definately get a sugarrush after this' i thought to myself. "Hayly what are you doing in my room and also if ur gonna eat ice cream dont forget to bring me some" i said while looking out the window. "Cabbages!!! I love cabbage" hayly said with a mouthful of ice cream. I just looked at her like she was an idiot. "Hey hazel, mum wants you downstairs now we have a new sla-" i inturrupted my brother. "Do NOT finish that sentence, i hate using that word it makes me feel bad and guilty" i sighed i hated having to see slaves work all day without pay sometimes because my father is stupid enough to have about twenty two slaves now twenty three jeez sometimes i wonder when he will give up. "You mean slave" alex said running away. "Yes and i hate it" i said running after alex with a pillow.

I was being chased by my sister with a pillow all because i said slave, yeah okay i understand she hates it but me being me i always like to annoy my sister. I wasnt watching where i was going until i slipped down the stairs hitting my bum everytime until i hit the marble tiles at the bottom with a loud thud. "Hahahahahaha oh wow just hahahaha funny as" hazel said from the top of the stairs walking down and helping me up.
"Jee thanks" i said wipping my pants. All of a sudden hazel starts laughing again but even harder. "Whats wrong with you" i asked curious. "Oh nothing, its just you hsve a whole in your pants" hazel couldnt stop laughing until we heard our fathers voice coming through the doors.

I had just drove into the big giant castles driveway while the taxi man whose name is sam he drove to the front entrance where i saw about maybe three seceruity gaurds n a lady dressed in pink. The taxi stopped i gave him the money and grabbed my bags and got out of the car, i stopped right in front of the lady dressed in pink. "Hello young man i believe you are the new intern" the lady said in such elegance. "Yes ma'am my name is louis. Louis thorne and you are" i said sticking out my hand which i think was a mistake because the seceruity guards took out there guns pointing them at me. I quickly dropped my hand and looked down. "My name us meridah i am the queen" as soon as she said that i still didnt look at her i was avoiding her which 'i thought was kinda rude but hey what is she gonna do throw me in the dungreon or feed me to the dogs or kill me. Nah she wont do that or will she nah she seems nice' i thought to myself. I was about to speak until she spoke instead. "Follow me" thats it. Nothing else but i just followed her anyway until i found myself in a big room with a big man yelling at this poor old lady. "But sir" she said looking at him scared to death also innocent. "Dont 'but sir' me you moved it i know you did i could have you fired if i wanted" the big man said. "Which you will not because she is the best we have and you love her to much to get rid of her" meridah said crossing her hands over her chest.
"Whose the boy" the big man said. "Oh im umm louis thorne a pleasure to make your aquantince" i said bowing down. "The pleasures all mine, my name is tom and im guessing your the new intern we have" tom said raising an eyebrow as if he was disgusted by me. "Anyway come meet my daughter and son you will love them" he motioned me to follow which i did. We went down a dark hallway and finally made our way to what looked like the main entrance i had just gone through. All i saw was three people standing there one guy with short brown hair wearing blue jeans and a white shirt, one girl brown long curly hair just passed her boobs and freckles and has beautiful blue eyes who was wearing pyjamas and, one little girl with caramel eyes and blonde hair with chocolate ice cream all over her face and a butterfly dress, but i couldnt stop looking at older girl she was beautiful, gorgeous.
"Louis i would like you to meet the prince alex and the princess hazel my son and daughter and my neice hayly which has got chocolate all over her face.
I saw my dad walk in with this dude with green eyes short flicked up blonde hair he was handsome he was wearing a blue top and black jeans ugh i could drool over him any day. "Louis i would you to meet my son prince alex and my daughter princess hazel and neice hayly with chocolate all over her face" so his name was louis hmmm i think he could be great shirtless you could practically see the muscles through his tshirt.

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