tour of the house

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Oh wow. Ughh i mean yeah i have seen cute guys but he was HOT!!!!.
"Hello your majesties" louis said while bowing. I did a little curtsy while my brother just glared at him. I swear it looked like my brother was going to eat him alive i giggled at that and as soon as i did louis looked straight at me and smiled, i quickly turned my head so he wouldnt see the blush forming on my cheeks.
"Sweetheart since you seem to like the boy, you can show him around, so hurry up and get changed" my father said raising his voice. So i ran up the stairs well as far as my little legs would go. I finally made it upstairs and ran straight to my room to get changed.

So hazel got told to get changed and to show me around i was kinda excited she was so beautiful. I turn to see her brother glaring at me like he was going to eat me. "So umm whats it like being a prince" i say trying to start a conversation without it becoming awkward. "Why do you give a crap" alex says still glaring at me. "Well i just thought maybe we could have a conversation" i say but he just coming towards me and im about to scream for help until hazel came up behind her brother and tapped his shoulder and boy was i glad.
"Oh come on alex seriously everytime we get a new slave you always scare them away" alex looked away and sighed and took halyly away i had forgotten she was here.
"So shall we get going with the tour" i nod my head and we start walking.
We werent even half way through and i was getting bored and by the looks of things she was also. "Umm princess could we just go to my room i dont really want this anymore its sooooo boring if its ok with you" she just stopped in her tracks and turned her head and smiled. "Finally but i have a couple of rules that you must write down ok" she said looking at me like she was waiting for me to do something so i just stared at her and waited for her to tell me what to do.
"Do you have a pen and paper" she said looking slightely annoyed. "Oh right yes" i grab my note pad and pen and wait for her to start. "Ok rule number one never and i mean never call me princess call me hazel only call me princess when we are at a ball ok write it down" she says and i quickly write it down and i look up from my note pad and look at her.
"Rule number two; if you see a door that is closed leave it closed you never touch it what so ever got it" i nod my head quickly.
"Rule number three you must follow the queen or kings orders dont start whining or say no becaude you will get fired" i write all of this down and i look up and she was going to say something but the her father comes through the doors and calls her name. She picks up her dress and runs to her dad.

I ran to my dad who had just called for me.
"Sweetheart i want you to take care of louis he will be your servant and also we will be opening the grand hall for your birthday and he will be your guard ok from now on and also servant, he will help you with your lessons ok and i dont want to hear any buts got it" my father said and i just smiled and nodded my head and he walked away. I came up behind louis and tapped his shoulder and he turned around and just smiled at me. "Is there anymore rules you want me to write down" he says waiting patiently for me to answer him i nod. "Rule 4; you are now my guard and servant you are to help me with my lessons and you are to attend my birthday, ok thats it" i look at him he looks so cute when he is writing stuff down he crinkles his nose in the cutest way i didnt realize that he was looking at me.
"Take a picture it will last longer" he says while looking at me. I just blush and look away.

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