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Oh my god i cant believe i hit her, oh my god i feel sooo bad.
I walked downstairs to see if alex, hayly, the queen or king heard, lucky for me there still worrying about what just happened with natalie.
"You!!!" Tom yelled, i turned around and pointed my finger at myself.
"Me?" I sais tilting my head sideways.
"Na the lochness monster. Yes you" tom said with sarcasim.
"Can i help you sir"
"Yes actually, go get hazel since you are her servant, bring her down to say goodbye to hayly, go now" tom said.
"Umm sir i cant"  i said looking at the ground. I honestly dont think she can look at me or talk to me.
"Fine dont go alex go get her NOW!" tom yelled and we all jumped.
"Yes father" he ran upstairs and i gulped. Maybe about ten minutes later alex comes running down the stairs and starts charging at me.

I quickly follow my fathers orders and run up to my sisters room. I finally make it to my sisters room and knock on it.
"Ughh louis go away i dont want to talk to you" hazel said from the other side of the door. 'What did louis do' i thought, hmmmm.
I opened the door to see my sister on the floor with her knees up to her chest and crying, i slowly go up to her and tap her on the shoulder.
"Hazel whats wrong" i ask and she looks up at me and hugs my legs and cries more. I havent seen her cry this much.
"H-he h-hit m-me" she cried out onto my leg. I crouvh down and lift her chin with my finger so she would look at me.
"Who hit it you" i ask looking curious as to what she was saying.
"L-lou-" before she could even finish her sentence im out the door. Im soo fucking pissed louis hit my sister ughhhh. I run down the stairs and charge at louis.
"Arghhhhh" louis screams and runs behind my father.
"What on earth is going on" my mother said from beside my father.
"Why dont you ask louis that stupid fucking question because sure does know the answer" i said glaring at louis and he just looked scared as fuck. Good.
"I d-didnt m-mean to" louis stuttered from behind my father.
"Whats my son talking about louis" he looks confused.
He opens his mouth to say something but my mother meridah gasp and we all look at what she is gasping at.
"Darling what happened to you" meridah said covering her mouth and she starts getting teary eyed.
"It was an accident" hazel said while looking at louis.
"Louis here hit hazel right in the face" i say and louis looks up and see's my father getting angry.

WHAT!!!!! He hit my daughter. And shes defending him.
"What!" I yell.
Everyone jumps back and louis is getting scared and he drops to his knees and starts crying.
"Get up and get out know while you still can" i said at him and he quickly scrambled to his feet but didnt move. I rolled up my sleeve andwas about to take a shot until hazel jumped in and lucky i stopped other wise she would have had a nasty pain in her face.
"GET OUT OF MY WAY HAZEL NOW!" I yelled hoping that would work but she didnt even move back or anything
"NO HE DIDNT MEAN TO" she tried to stop me from hurting him. But she knew i wouldnt stop until he got what he deserved.
"HAZEL MIRANDA HILLS MOVE OUT OF THE GOD DAMN WAY!!!" I yelled and she coward back. Everyone hates being called by there full name espicially hazel. I went to take a swing and i was interrupted by my wife. "Stop i do not want blood on this floor ok so dont touch the boy, got it thomas hills" she said. I nodded and sighed.
"Okay alex go make yourself useful and help me make dinner, thomas go take hayly home and hazel take care of louis ok" we all nodded and went to do our jobs that we were gonna do.

Everyone went there seperate except louis he followed slowly behind. It was silent. And it felt awkward. I was about to speak when louis did instead.
"Why did you protect me, when i hurt you?" Louis asked from behind.
"Hurry up your like a zombie, and also because i know what my father can do" i said and finally louis caught up and gave me a weird look.
"What?" I said giving him the same look back.
"What can your father do?" Louis said tilting his head sideways.
"A lot of things" i said
I honestly didnt want to go back into my past.
"What tell me" he said acting all excited.
"Fine he killed a man because they touched me like how you hit me" i said and he gave me yet another look.
"What do you mean touch you?" Louis asked completely confused.
"Ok i am going to start from the begining ok" i said and he just nodded.
"Ok well it was about my nineth birthday and my dad was friends with this man named robert, we were halfway through and i saw him staring at me, so me being went up to him and yelled right in his face to stop staring at me and i stomped on his foot, no one was looking which i was glad about but that soon faded, when he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the party and i was gonna scream but we stopped and i looked up to see him talking to someone and they just nodded, that man looked at me and winked and went straight into the party, i was taken upstairs and thrown onto my bed and robert took off his jacket and top and i asked what he was doing and then he started to undo his trousers and i was gonna scream until he kissed me and i kept trying to push him off me and he started taking my dress off and the first thing i could think of was to use my nails and i did and i scratched him from his forhead down to his check and i managed to get his eyeball on the way, he got off me and he looked up and said 'a feisty one arent we' i was gonna scream again until he slapped me right in the face and taped my mouth with duck tape so i couldnt scream and he got on top of me and pulled my dress off and he started to rape me and i was crying and pushing him off me but he was way to strong so i was stuck trying and trying over and over again and finally i never thought i would see the day to have my brother come and see what robert was doing, my brother charged at robert and he fell of the bed and i was crying so much that the duck tape wasnt sticky anymore and i ripped it off my face and screamed and my mother and father came in and saw what had happened and now ever since that day my father has been protecting me" i said and he just looked at me.
"Ohhh so thats why he wanted to punch me because i hit you" he said.
"Yeah" i said, i looked around realised we were in my room i was about to speak until my mother says
"Dinner is ready"
So me and louis go down and sit at the table as i am about to sit down, he pulls out my chair and pushes it back in again when i sit down. We had our dinner and we were gong our different ways to go to bed, louis followed me and we went to my room i got my things and left to get changed into my pyjamas and when i do i get into bed. Louis gets up from my bed and goes to the door but i stop him.
He turns and looks at me.
"Yes hazel" he says waiting patiently.
"Stay" i say and he looks at me and he reluctantly lets go of the handle and comes to my bed and takes his tshirt off. I just drowl.
Huh i was right he does look hot without a tshirt on and he crawls into my bed but he is on top of my covers but grabs a blanket from the end of the bed and covers himself and we both start drifting off to sleep

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