The Reckless Heroes of our Fear Chapter 2

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AN: im so sorry i didnt upload yesterday i kinda fell asleep. i had been up for atleast 36 hours and i kept zoning out as i was typing this. when i checked it after saving it it had some really random and utter nonsense in it so i had to re do it all. but anyway as an apology have a hug from me!! In other news its 6 Days till i see FVK for the third time and i should hopefully be able to give them their present from me and my friends its a book called 50 shades of FVK. My other fan fic is in it. i have talked enough so on with the story! Wooly xx


I was warm. Like really warm. I tried to move out from the covers but found I was stuck. I felt a warm breeze on my neck and realised that I was currently being held by Laurence. I wriggled trying to free myself but I had slept in the same bed as him since we were little, and he had always been a cuddler, and even though he was asleep he had a strong grip and I struggled to get free. I sighed giving up.


I was awake I hadn’t really slept. I could feel Kier moving about but was enjoying holding him so I pretended to be asleep. When he finally gave up I smiled slightly. We stayed like that for a few more minutes until Kier started to wiggle again. “Laurence, Laurence wake up please” I stayed ‘asleep’ that was until he started poking me…. in the face…. Singing Lady GaGa. My nose twitched in irritation and I sighed and rolled over releasing him. “How long have you known I was awake?”  

“A while, you’ve never been a great actor” he rolled off the bed. I heard the thud as he hit the floor. He hadn’t realised how close he was to the edge. I couldn’t help it. I laughed. I laughed even harder as I saw him army crawl out of the room. After calming down I stared at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again.


I tiptoed down the hallway and looked in at my victim. Good he had his eyes closed. I slipped forward carefully missing all the objects that would alert him to my approach. He looked so peaceful. Not for much longer I thought evilly. I jumped landing across his stomach. Laurence made an oomph noise and his eyes shot open. “Ouch” he squeaked. I laughed. “Wassup Bevers?” he looked down at me and glared. “I’m in pain and it appears to be because a wolfman is lying across my stomach.” I tried to look innocent. He looked up and laughed this caused me to move up and down. I felt confused why was he laughing? He noticed my confusion and just pointed at my face. I rolled off him and looked in the mirror. I couldn’t help it I laughed as well. My fringe was sticking up in all directions and I had obviously forgotten to take my makeup off as my eyeliner was smeared around my eyes, like a panda. “Bevers we match!” I heard a thudding on the wall and jumped then a muffled shout came through. “Guys it’s half seven in the morning SHUT UP” woops I always forgot how Shane acted like he was on his man period when he was woken early. I looked at Laurence who obviously had the same expression as me and we both tried to laugh as silently as possible. It didn’t work. “Do NOT make me come in there!”


I was now making breakfast for myself, Kier, a sleepy timid and a glaring timid. I made Shanes favourite breakfast of pancakes and as I handed the plate to him gave him an apologetic smile. He glared before looking down and smiling at it and digging in. Sometimes I wondered if he had the mentality of a 7 year old. “Hey why did Barrone get a smiley face on his pancake I want a smiley face!” Drew on the other hand I knew had the mentality of a 2 year old. I made up his and handed it to him. He grinned widely before announcing “It looks like me” I saw Barrone look up with a mouthful of pancake confusedly before swallowing. “How?”  Drew pointed out how it looked as though it was derping.  The other three of us in the kitchen simply shook our heads as he giggled evilly and muttering about killing the pancake. Already I could feel today was going to be weirder than normal.

The Reckless Heroes of our Fear (Keveridge(Sequel to Stargazer))Where stories live. Discover now