The Reckless Heroes of our Fear Chapter 6

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AN: okay this would have been up earlier in the week but i got writers block and when i finally knew what i wanted to write and did the laptop deleted it and then i had an FVK gig (which i'm still recovering from) and i only rewrote this today so enjoy Wooly xx


I felt my face burn and the tears sting the back of my eyes. Oh God what have I done. Before I could register it I was stood and running from them. I swung the door open and left running to my safe haven.


I was stood frozen in the doorway. Had I heard him right? I felt Drew slip past me and realised I was still staring at Laurence’s empty seat. When had he left? I looked around and felt the chill from the open door. I knew where he’d gone. I grabbed my jacket and saw his still hanging there. I grabbed it as well. I ran faster than I ever had. Soon my lungs were gasping for air and my legs were burning. I came to a screeching halt by the area I thought was right I was suddenly unsure of myself. What if I had gotten the wrong place? What if he wasn’t here? I was about to push through when I heard footsteps I recognised approach. I turned and saw Drew stood there. “Kier, do you want me to go through?” I didn’t know what I wanted anymore. He stepped forward and took Laurence’s coat from me. I nodded in answer to his question I didn’t want Laurence to hate me. I hadn’t even thought about what I was going to say to him I just ran. Drew disappeared into the thicket and I collapsed on the ground under a tree.


I was worried about both of them. So I had followed. I approached Kier where he was now stood panting and staring into the darkness of the trees. I’d been friends with these guys for so long I felt like I could read their thoughts. Right now Kier was worrying about whether or not he was in the right place, and if Laurence would actually be here if it was. “Kier, do you want me to go through?” from the look on his face I had answer enough. I carefully took the jacket he was clutching and went through to find Laurence. When I got into the wide open area and looked around I couldn’t see Laurence anywhere. I sighed after a while and was about to turn back when I heard an almost silent sob. I walked forward and hear it again. I continued until it was louder and I was stood at the base of a tree. I looked up and in the darkness I could just make out Laurence sat huddles on one of the branches. “Laurence I’m coming up okay” I called up just loud enough for him to hear. I started the climb.


I heard Drew’s voice call out and him start to climb. But none of it mattered I had most likely lost my best friend all because I was stupid enough not to make sure he wasn’t in the house before pouring my feelings out to The Timids. I buried my head further into my knees pulling them in closer with my arms which were wrapped around them. I felt something land across my shoulders and when I looked up Drew was sat straddling the same branch as me. I realised it was my jacket and when I realised how cold it was I shoved my arms through it. I smiled as best I could at him. “So, this is where you disappear to these days is it? I can see why, it’s very calm and pretty.” I nodded, wiped my eyes on my sleeve and looked out at the horizon sniffling. From here you could see for miles. “Laurence you do realise I would never have found you if it wasn’t for Kier?” I looked at him confused. Kier? How would Kier have known where I was? “He followed you the other day and when you ran earlier he must have guessed this is where you would be.” He followed me? Why would he do that? “If he came here why isn’t he up here instead of you then?” It came out harshly I didn’t mean for it to. “Sorry” I mumbled when he flinched. “Well he was but he just stood staring into the trees unable to decide what to do, and I kinda figured that you maybe wouldn’t have wanted to see him right now.” Drew could read me like a book sometimes. Like right now I wanted to see him but I knew if I did I would probably do something extremely stupid. I sighed. I had messed everything up now. “No you haven’t” I looked back over at Drew. Did I say that out loud? Obviously I had. “You haven’t messed anything up. If anything me and Shane have. We pressured you into telling us we didn’t expect Kier to walk in as much as you did.” He smiled at me “I’m not forgiving you cos I have nothing to forgive you for, it’s as much my fault as yours you didn’t pressure me I didn’t have to tell you but I did.”  I reassured him. We’d been friends for so long we could read each other so well. I smiled at him. “Well I guess we had better be getting back” he nodded and we made our way back down to land.

The Reckless Heroes of our Fear (Keveridge(Sequel to Stargazer))Where stories live. Discover now