Chapter 3 Dad?

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It's been 5 months since then and we did get the ship and have been traveling from planet to planet but before we left I saw posters around xandar with my picture on it and it said missing so I changed my hair colour to light blonde and I also got a tattoo on my right side. I was and am still surprised that he even bothered to look for me. I also had my birthday a month ago so now I'm 18. Now Rocket is flying the small ship to xandar and me and Groot are in the back. I can finally understand Groot so we can have a conversation with out Rocket having to translate. I'm times myself on how fast I can take apart and put a gun back together. Rocket helped me make this gun it fires electric bullies, my idea. Groot is watching me from across the room. I stop the clock and see that I beat my record. I put my gun in my pocket and look at Groot.

Me: I beat my record.

Groot: I am Groot (Well done)

I smile and then get up.

Me: I'm going to see how far away we are. Are you coming?

Groot nods his head and follows me to the front of the ship to see Rocket in the driver's seat and Xandar just in sight.

Rocket: I was just about to call you two.

I look at him and smile.

Me: I guess were just too quick for you.

Rocket laughs and me and Groot take our seats as the ship lands on xandar. We then leave the ship and walk around until be get to the centaur of Xandar. I smile as I look around it been 5 months since I've seen xandar. Rocket pulls out his scanner and looks around scanning people. I sit down at the fountain and Groot starts playing with the water and I smile at him as he does. I look around and after a while I stop and stare at some one. It's my dad and he's standing quite close. I turn my head away and cover the side of my face with my hair so if he does turn my way then he will only see my tattoo and my hair. Rocket turns around and looks at me concerned.

Rocket: What's wrong?

I peck though my hair to see my dad sitting at the table drinking coffee. Rocket looks at him and then back at me.

Rocket: Is that your dad?

I look back at him and nod.

Rocket: Do you want to leave?

Me: no we have a job to do and I have you two with me.

Groot: I am Groot? (Should I go over there?)

I grab Groot's arm.

Me: No no no. Don't do that. Let's just find our guy and get out of here.

Rocket and Groot nod their heads and Rocket scans the area again and soon finds our guy. We set up a plan and I lour him away from his group because he thinks he's going to get lucky. I lead him round a corner and trip him up so he's on the floor and then kick him in the face as Rocket and Groot come into the ally way. Groot grabs the now passed out male and we all walk to a bulling were our byer is. We hand him the guy and he gives use the units and we walk away. We go back to the ship and decide to celebrate but when I look in the fringe its empty.

Me: Looks like we need more food. I'll go and get some.

I grab some units off the table and walk out.

Rocket: Don't spend all of it.

Rocket shouts after me and I laugh. I walk out the ship and into a shop and bye some food and drinks. I pay for them and still have some units left over so that Rocket will be happy. I walk out the shop and am almost at the ship when someone calls my name. I turn round to see my dad.

Dad: I knew it was you. You've changed your hair.

I just stand there and clutch the bag. I want to run to scream at him to shout but I can't.

Dad: Come home

I shake my head and he comes closer.

Dad: What do you mean no?

Dad grabs my arm and my first reaction is to pull away but he holds on.

Dad: You're coming home.

I finally get the courage to speak up.

Me: No, I'm 18 now I can do what I want and I'm not going home so that you can use me as your personal punching bag.

He was about to hit me when Rocket comes out of the ship.

Rocket: Kathy there you... HAY GET AWAY FROM HER.

Rocket pulls out his gun and walks over to use pointing the gun at my dad. Dad grips my wrist tighter and I grab his hand which is on my wrist.

Me: Let go.

Dad: Why? So that you fly off with.... That?

I can see Rocket getting angrier.

Rocket: Let go of her

Dad: Or what?


He stares at me shocked and I yank my hand away finally getting it free. I rub my wrist and walk back words.

Dad: Where are you going?

Me: Anywhere away from you. Come on Rocket were leaving.

I turn my back on my dad and walk away with Rocket by my side. We almost made it to the ship when my dad hits me over the head and I fall to the floor. Rocket pulls out his gun and aims it at my dad's head. I rub my head and stand back up facing my dad.

Rocket: BACK OFF.

My dad puts his hands up and starts to walk back words. I walk into the ship and Rocket soon follows closing the door behind him. He then starts the ship and we fly away from Xandar. I put the shopping away and then go to my bathroom that is connected to my bed room. I look in the mirror to see a graze on my head. I clean it and then check the back of my head but it's hard to see.

Rocket: I can't see anything.

I turn back around and gasp to see Rocket on the counter next to the sink.

Rocket: Sorry didn't mean to scare you.

Me: It's fine.

Rocket reaches up and pushes my fringe out of my face and sees the graze.

Rocket: Are you ok?

I take his hand that is on my head and move it away.

Me: I'm fine.

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