Chapter 19: In a cinema theatre

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"So...what shall we watch?" Maki asked as she and the third year stood side by side, their hands tightly clutched together. They were both standing in front of an array of movie advertisements of movies that were currently screening.

"Let's go for the romance film." The third year suggested as she pointed towards the movie advertisement though earning a light shake of head from Maki.

"Why not?" Nico pouted in response, turning to face the first year.

"I just...don't want to." The scarlet haired shrugged, indicating that she was not exactly keen on watching a romance movie as their first movie in the cinema theatre.

"The comedy one then. Comedy films should be fine right?" The twin tailed raven haired dragged her junior towards the counter to book their tickets before Maki had a chance to reply.

The two entered the theatre, taking their seat that was located on the last row. "Why the last row?" The first year inquired, shoving a popcorn into her mouth as they both settled into their seats.

"No reason, it just seems nicer here." The sable haired shrugged, as she too picked a popcorn and shoved it into her mouth. The large screen that was in front of the theatre lit up, though what it portrayed was not the movie but instead, an advertisement. "COUPLE ICE-SKATING" was displayed in capitalized font, grabbing the attention of everyone in the theatre. The advertisement stated that couples who went ice-skating together would be getting a special discount. The crimson haired junior turned to face the third year, tugging slightly at Nico's shirt sleeve to get her attention.

"Oh no, don't tell me..." The sable haired inhaled sharply before letting out a sigh of defeat and agreeing to the junior's silent request. One advertisement after another played continuously in the background before the movie finally started. As it was a comedy film, more often than not, the crowd of audiences would break out in fits of laughter, except for a particular scarlet haired who did not seem to be enjoying herself like the rest did. In contrast with the rest, Maki had not understood what exactly was so funny that Nico could not seem to stop laughing hysterically.

The movie soon came to an end, the screen flashing the credits in black and white and the audiences began to exit the theatre in throngs. It was only then did the sable haired third year realise that her left shoulder felt a bit heavy. Nico turned to her left, only to be greeted by the crown of Maki's head. The first year had fallen asleep on Nico's shoulders.

"She fell asleep?!" The third year uttered in disbelief, shifting slightly the try and catch a glimpse of Maki's face. The first year frowned at the movement, leaning backwards fully with her head now rested on the back of the seat and facing the raven haired senior. The third year smiled in response, as idea popping into her mind. Nico leaned in, positioning her face barely inches away from the crimson haired, her lips grazing lightly across Maki's lips. The first year's eyes gradually slid open, only to see the gleeful third year pulling away from her.

"Did you just-" The first year attempted to question Nico's earlier actions but was cut off even before anything was established.

"How could you even fall asleep watching a comedy film? Was it that boring? Or you simply didn't understand?" The sable haired quipped, folding her arms defensively.

"I...I did understand. I-It was just boring." The scarlet haired shot up from her seat "Let's get out of here." The first year headed towards the exit, successfully avoiding the topic that was brought up by her senior.

"Let's go ice-skate." The first year suggested as she took Nico's midget hand in hers, tugging the senior along with her.

"Now?" The raven haired replied, her tone clearly appalled.

"Yes, the skating rink is in this mall." The scarlet haired replied as she continued to proceed in the direction of the ice-skating rink.

"B-But we don't have any...any skating shoes or gloves." The twin tailed senior attempted to talk her way out of the current fix she was in.

"We can always rent them." The crimson haired glanced at the third year who was traipsing behind her.

"B-But that would cost a lot." The sable haired tried different approach, having her first attempt countered.

"I don't think so." The first year came to a halt in front of the skating rink, causing the raven haired to sigh in defeat once more. Monetary issues are not going to work if its with Maki.

-To be continued-

Sorry this update is late >< I haven't had much time to write.

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