Chapter 25: Freed

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Two entire months has passed since Nico had a fall in the ice skating rink and suffered an injured wrist. As such, it was about time for Nico to revisit the doctor to have her injury checked and if possible, have her cast removed. Maki had insisted on tagging along since her mind would only be at ease that way. They waited in queue, like they did previously, for their turn to meet the doctor. When they did, the doctor had Nico's cast removed and declared that Nico's wrist has recovered fully.

"Yippee!!" Nico shrieked as she skipped out of the clinic ebulliently, "I'm free!" The raven haired exclaimed, throwing both her arms in the air and inhaling a huge breath of fresh air.

"Are you sure it doesn't hurt anymore?" The first year reached out to pull Nico's left arm down, examining it.

"I'm absolutely fine." The third year clenched her fist and released it a few times to show Maki that she could flex her muscles just fine.

"Don't be such a worry wart." The twin tailed senior wrinkled her nose at the first year before retracting her hand back, "Let's go and celebrate!"

"Celebrate?" The scarlet haired frowned at the statement, "What's there to celebrate?"

"Celebrate the return of my freedom!" The sable haired took a few steps forward, with outstretched hands on both sides, she did a little spin on the spot.

"Seriously?" The red head raised a brow at the gleeful senior in front of her.

"Yes, I'm serious." The third year said with a lopsided grin as she launched herself at Maki, catching the junior by suprise.

"Hey!" The first year chides as she stumbled a few steps back, though successfully maintaing her balance. The raven haired senior giggled as she wrapped her arms around Maki's neck, nuzzling up at the first year.

"Be more careful, will you?" The crimson haired softened her stance at the sight as she craddled Nico in her arms.

"I get it. I get it." The third year assuaged Maki, "Now that I'm finally free of the annoying cast, we should go celebrate, get drunk, stay over and have some late night fun!" Nico exclaimed as she broke free of Maki's embrace.

"L-Late...What late n-night fun?" The red head junior stuttered at what Nico had just insinuated.

"Just, late night fun!" The raven haired replied, an impish grin spreading across her face, "Where we stay up and do what we want." Nico took a step forward, closing the distance between both their faces.

"Shall we?" The sable haired teased as she batted her eyelashes at the first year.

"S-shall we what?" Maki flushed even harder as her breath hitched, causing her to stutter, "We can't get drunk anyway, we're underage."

"Why are you so red?" Nico said with a playful smirk, enjoying Maki's embarrassment.

"I'm not." The first year protest, averting Nico's gaze.

"Yes you are." The sable haired insisted as she leaned even closer, "Look at these cheeks." Nico poked at the first year's left cheek, proving her point.

"It's because you were saying weird things." Maki attempted to defend herself as she took a step backwards, out of Nico's reach.

"Oh?" Nico's brow raised as she folded her arms at the scarlet haired.

"Don't oh me." The scarlet haired mirrored Nico's action as she too, folded her arms in front of her.

"What weird things did I say?" The third year challenged, unable to wipe the impish grin off her face.

"You said we should have some late night fun. Where we do what we want." The crimson haired repeated Nico's words while emphasizing the word 'fun' .

"And...what's weird in that?" The twin tailed smirked expectantly at Maki.

"N-nothing is." Maki turned to face away from the taunting senior as she proceeded to fish her mobile phone out from her bag, "If we're celebrating, we should do so with the rest." The crimson haired was quick to escape from such embarassing situation, knowing just how Nico is easily distracted. The first year then proceeded to punch numbers into her phone, dialing for Honoka first.

"The rest?" Nico repeated her junior's words, wanting to furthur clarify the ambiguity.

"Honoka and the rest. They took good care of you when you were injured right? We should at least invite them to dinner, shouldn't we?" Maki raised a brow as she raised her phone to her ear, listening attentively as the line went through.

"Oh! Nice idea!" The sable haired gave Maki a light punch on her arm, barely containing her excitement at the idea. Maki contacted the rest of the μ's members eventually, informing them about Nico's recovery and that they were to gather at her house for a mini celebration.

-To be continued-

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