Chapter 20: Ice-skating

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"Let's go in." The red head grasped onto Nico's hands once more, dragging the reluctant third year with her.

"W-Wait!" The third year insisted her stance, remaining rooted to the spot and stopping Maki in her tracks. The first year turned to look at the senior, a confounded expression falling upon a features.

"I...I don't know how to ice-skate." The raven haired admitted, her eyes staring down at the floor and averting Maki's gaze. A lopsided grin emerged on the first year's lips as she turned to face Nico, taking a few steps forward to close the distance between them.

"I'll teach you." The scarlet haired assured Nico, giving the third year's hand a light squeeze to prompt her to look up. Nico tilted her head up tentatively, only to be greeted by Maki's smile. A smile so gentle and sweet it seemed to make her heart flutter. The third year was snapped out of her daze as Maki soon returned to her stoic state, dragging the third year to the front of the ice skating counter to get their tickets bought.

Maki and Nico approached the rink, don in the equipments that were needed for the ice-skating activity. "How do you even walk in these..." The raven haired complained grumpily as Maki stepped into the rink, standing steadily on the ice. Nico gave a slight gape in response, her eyes sweeping over the first year from head to toe. Maki was standing on the ice as if standing normally on the ground.

"Step in." The scarlet haired held her hand out to her senior, successfully snapping Nico out of her private reverie. The third year shut her slightly ajar jaw as she took Maki's outstretched hand. Nico put her right leg onto the ice, only to find her right leg sliding across the slippery ice and causing her right leg to drift furthur away from her left which was still outside the rink on the ground. Tugging hard at Maki's hand which she happened to be gripping, the raven haired pulled her left leg wobbly onto the ice to prevent herself from doing a spilt at the entrance of the rink. The chain of actions in turn causing the sable haired senior to lean onto the first year for support.

"Careful." Maki placed her left hand onto the third year's shoulder, helping Nico to stand straight while her right hand remained tightly grasped onto Nico's. With much effort, the sable haired straightened her posture, her legs sliding back and forth on the ice, threatening to fall every now and then. The crimson haired suppressed a giggle, allowing her right hand to be tightly gripped by Nico.

"You really don't have talent for this, do you?" Maki could no longer suppressed her grin, earning an angry pout from the third year.

"Just put one of your feet out at a time, treat it like you're walking normally." The scarlet haired instructed as she moved forward by a step to show the senior, leaving the third year with no support other than their hands that were still held together.

"Uwaah!" Nico's body swayed backwards as her feet slided forward on the ice. Seeing the Nico was about to fall and land on her buttocks, the red head gave the third year's hand a hard pull. The force in turn causing Nico to fly forward into Maki's arms and preventing her fall. The raven haired clung tightly onto the scarlet haired as they both stood near the entrance of the rink, locked in an embrace.

"Ithss-skathin ishnn sho bad arter all..." (Ice-skating isn't so bad after all...) The third year's muffled words were barely audible as her face was stuffed against the first year's jacket.

"Huh?" The red head frowned, unable to decipher what the third year had just said.

"Nothing." The twin tailed senior pulled away from the first year to articulate her words clearly. The scarlet haired remained unconvinced as she eyed the senior warily.

"What is it that you said just now?" The first year remained persistent, pestering her senior for a proper answer when she saw Nico break into a sheepish grin. In attempt to escape from the first year, Nico took a step away from Maki, completely forgetting the fact that she was still standing in the rink and on the slippery ice.

"Waaa!" The sable haired panicked, her feet sliding back and forth on the ice uncontrollably. Nico fought hard to maintain her balance, catching the crimson haired by suprise when she clung onto Maki for support. The first year who had not predicted the situation was caught off guard, as she too lost her balance, falling onto the ground together with Nico.

"Why did you-" The first year was about to chide Nico for pulling her along but stopped her sentence midway at the sight of Nico.

-To be continued-

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