CHAPTER 11: To befriend a maiden

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Sounds of swords clashed, both Elaine and Lancelot find themselves both training in the arena with the other knights around them. 

The Knight was helping Elaine train before her fight for the Pyrolyx. And the two were fighting intensively. Lancelot is a very skilled and talented fighter. No matter how many times Elaine tries to attack him Lancelot would knock her down. The girl groans until Lancelot walks over to her. 

"Elaine, come on, It's like you're letting me win on purpose" Lancelot walks over to the girl who was lying down, exhausted from falling. 

 Lancelot reaching his hand out for her and helps pick Elaine back up. "What's been going on? 

Elaine lets out an exhale "Nothing just, still can't believe I stood up to the King when no one did" the girl tries fighting him off. "Why?"

"Listen things in Camelot are not like in the history books anymore. With Cornwall reigning like this" Lancelot charges to fight

Mordred appears hiding behind a pillar wall, noticing the two train, and he was watching their every move.

After a couple of moments training with Sir Lancelot. Elaine walks through the hall alone until she came across the throne room to where she over hears Cornwall talking. 

"She dares challenge me?? I'm the one true King! Camelot doesn't need a Queen sitting on the throne!"

Elaine felt nervous, so she starts backing away, but the door suddenly creaks loudly, King Mark hears and notices someone by the door, but didn't see Elaine.

King Mark: Who's there?!

(Elaine decides to leave but as she turned around she accidentally bumps into someone, she looks up only to see Modred standing in front of her, Elaine starts hearing whispers again, her eyes widened. She tries to escape from him, Modred looks over to see King Mark. He quickly grabs Elaine by the arm and dragged her away from the hall, both Modred and Elaine hid behind another wall. Elaine was trying to protest to escape, Modred patiently signals Elaine to stay quiet, and she listened to him.)

(King Mark came out looking for the person who was eavesdropping, but didn't see anybody. King Mark starts to feel there was somebody behind the wall, who was Modred and Elaine, he starts walking closer and closer to them. Elaine felt scared by both King Mark and Modred, didn't know what to do but just stood quiet and hid. Until one of the guards interrupted King Mark to inform him. King Mark starts to leave with the guard, Modred looked over his shoulders knowing that the King was leaving. Elaine quickly released herself from Modred and backed away)

Elaine: What the hell was that?!

Modred: You were stuck and you needed help. You're welcome

Elaine: I don't need anyone's help, I was doing fine on my own


Don't be stubborn little lady. Clearly, you almost got caught. If I hadn't come help you on time you would probably cause more chaos and stress towards the King

(Elaine mimics Modred)

Elaine: "Probably cause more chaos and stress towards the king"

Modred: Well, It seems like you aren't afraid of him

Elaine: No, why should I be?


Everyone else here in Camelot seems to be afraid of him, why aren't you?

Elaine: That's none of your business

(Elaine walks away)


If you're not afraid of the King, clearly you must be afraid of the Pyrolyx

Elaine: I don't know what you're talking about


It's clearly obvious, that you don't have enough guts, you just act stubborn, that's why you were afraid of getting caught by the King, so clearly you are afraid

Elaine: You know what! Just leave me alone

Modred: As you wish (he continues to leave)

Elaine: Wait-

(Modred stops to listen)

Elaine: I saw you back at the arena, what's your role around Camelot?

Modred: That information is classified

Elaine: fine I don't need to know, mr. grump

(Modred was thinking about a plan on how to lure Elaine to Morgana)

Modred exhales: i am.... a cave inspector

(Elaine laughs a bit, Modred looks at her giving her a glare)

Elaine: Oh, that's your role?


Well there's a cave i found not far from here, i can give you a cave tour if you'd like

Elaine: Yeah, terribly sorry, as you can see I got a lot on my plate already

Modred: Of course, after all, you should worry more about the Pyrolyx

(Modred leaves Elaine, still finding him more suspicious. Elaine ignores him, and makes her way to find Tristan. Meanwhile with Tristan, he was with Merlin, while standing with one leg, a candle on both his head and shoulders, and struggling to balance himself. Until Elaine manages to find them both, as she enters the room) 

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