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 A/N:This part features stuff about Bailey being abused by an ex I just want to tell you this characters appearance may be similar to mine her experiences aren't. I have never been abused just as a note before this bit commences back to the story!

Bailey's POV:

'Great another day working at Nando's, livin' the dream' I thought to myself as I rolled out of bed and got dressed into my outfit for that day [picture shown above]. I threw my hair u into a messy bun,applied some natural make-up and left for work. The work day started of pretty normal but as the day progressed we got busier and busier and busier! After what seemed like forever we finally closed and as I was just about to walk outside I noticed a group of guys hanging about just outside the door.I thought I recognized one of them and I stood there staring for a good 10 seconds before was my ex-boyfriend!You know most people when they see their ex's just smile awkwardly and walk past but not me.You see with me it's a little different because my relationship was a little bit different.Let's just say it was toxic... so toxic in fact it as edging on nuclear!He emotionally and physically abused me and even now after being out of the relationship for at least 4 months I still cower in fear of him whenever I see him as though he still has ropes bound around my wrists and still had complete control.'Oh shit' I muttered to myself.Being the last one there I had to lock up so I decided (as he wasn't looking in my direction) to ,as quickly as I could, lock the door and hide around the corner.It all went to plan and he didn't notice me.I flicked the light off and ran into the back room,grabbed my bag and bolted out of the back door quickly I locked up and put the key in the usual spot and ran the the long way round to my flat to completely avoid him!Mission successful! Once I got back home I flopped onto my couch.Suddenly my phone pinged,I fished it out of my bag and looked at the lock screen 'One new message from Joshuaa :)'.I swiped my phone open and read 'Hiya Bailey it's Josh from Nandos we were wondering what you're up tomorrow?' I quickly text back 'Nothing I've got the day off work why? :)' I sat for about 30 seconds waiting for a reply.I got one which  read 'Sick cause me and the lads were wonderin if you wanted to hang out with us tomorrow? :)' I replied with a simple 'Sure what time? :)' and received one back saying 'Just come to ours at 10 tomorrow morning *address*  :)' 'See you then :)' I text back! And it was sorted!I was hanging out with the guys tomorrow and I was mostly excited to see Simon again.I went to bed thinking about mainly what I was gonna wear and what I was gonna talk to 'Him' about! I went to bed with a stupid smile pasted on my face! I'd definitely caught feelings! 

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