Day 35

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We shopped for what seemed like forever until we went back home. I wanted to call Matty instantly, tell him- ask him- why he was singing with a band. He sounded great, I'm not going to deny that, but I'm merely perplexed. I didn't tell Ashley that that was Matthew singing, if he didn't tell me I figured that he wouldn't want anyone else to know about it either. So we drove home and Jonathan read me his finished project and I loved it. I really did. I could tell he was proud as well. Jonathan really has a gift, a very special one. Not many people are able to create stories as beautiful as his.

We reach our dorms and Jonathan hugs us both goodbye, thanking us for letting him tag along. Ashley said she didn't mind at all and neither did I. I'm glad that he was able to come and not be a douche about shopping for clothes.

We went up to our room and Ashley collapsed on her bed and I grin. "We still have to meet up with George and Matty, remember?" I remind Ashley whose eyes snap open in slight fear. She's hardly ever scared, it's an odd recurrence.  I giggle a little at her nervousness. She's usually not at all nervous for anything, but now that George is involved she turns into a totally different person. Ashley tugs out outfits from her bag and looks through them. She starts to swear under her breath, complaining that she has nothing to wear. I'm just sticking with what I'm wearing, jeans and a simple shirt. But Ashley is much more complicated than that.

Running around our small dorm, Ashley zips up dress after dress and slips on skirt after skirt after she finally finds an outfit. She's wearing a busty, red, dress and high high heels to complement her legs. "Is this good enough?" She asks, turning to me. It's a little much just for a get together, I try to tell her that and she keeps cutting me off. Evidently, she didn't seem to care, and frankly I didn't either. I smile as she eventually she gives in, putting on a leather jacket over her dress to complete the outfit.

We decided to wait outside for Matty since we had absolutely nothing else to do inside. We laid on the grass and looked up the darkening clouds, Ashley pointed at each one and said something incredibly dumb about each one. "That one looks like a... snake." She laughed to herself. The cloud was a thin streak, barely a cloud at all. Ashley starts to ramble when she gets nervous, making herself laugh over the stupidest things.

I laughed along, just for the sake of Ashley not crying and breaking down. She gets pretty nervous around George, as anyone can see. I feel kind of bad for her, she's just an amazing and confident person but around one boy and one boy only she starts to freak out.

I start to hear footsteps crunching on the fallen leaves and then I see Matty standing over me. "Tired?" He asked and I shake my head, opening my arms for him to join us on the ground. He grins and nearly collapses on me, his arms wrapping around my waist and his head resting on my chest. He kisses it and i grin, running my hands through his messily curly hair. "Get a room." Ashley grumbles, arm draped over her eyes to cover up the sun.

I giggle slightly and Matty pulls me up and into his lap. "Are you ready to go?" He asks the both of us and I see Ashley tense up. I watch her and nod. "Yeah. Yeah we're ready." I speak and Matty nods, connecting his lips to mine for a quick kiss and then he stands up, helping both of us. We walk to the car, his arm draped lazily over my shoulder and Ashley is standing next to me, talking about this cool new band she discovered. I listened intently, always interested in the weird bands she finds.

Matty opens the car doors for us and I smile. "A true gentleman." I speak like I'm from the mid evil times. Matty plays along and gives a deep bow, putting his arm out and motioning into the car. I curtsy and enter the passengers seat.


When entering Matty's house, I was hit with a strong scent of cigaret smoke signaling that George was indeed home. Matty led the way into the living room where George is positioned, looking as nervous as Ashely has been this whole day. His back was hunched against the couch, a cigaret dangling between his fingers as he lets it wobble.
George smiled at us all, all the nervousness leaving him and his welcoming demeanor slowly coming back. Ashley and George hit it off, not to my surprise, and they didn't even notice that Matty and I left soon later.

Matty's room hasn't changed, I'm not surprised. Still simple, a few more clothes strewn around, and he bought himself a new ash tray.

He couldn't stop touching me.

Hands on my fingers, hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, waist. I didn't tell him no so there was no possible way he was going to stop. There was no possible way I wanted it to stop. I unbuttoned my shirt, only a few buttons, which made him stop. Now that he's distracted, I asked him about his band. About him singing. "What?" He looked me in the eyes, his lips close to my collar bones in mid kiss.

"I was in the dressing room today and I heard you singing. Unmistakably you." Matty straightened his back, ruffling up his hair. He sat next to me instead of on top.

He can't lie. He wouldn't lie, at least not to me, to George.

I didn't know what to say, and obviously he didn't either. Either he was living a double life like a popstar or its devastatingly easy to keep secrets. "I was in a band."

"Me and my best friends, an incident happened and it all ended." Matty breathed out. "I need a cigaret." He wouldn't stop running his hands through his mass of curls, shaky fingers and eyes close to the brink of flooding. I leaned to the left so he couldn't see the package of cigarets, still full unless he keeps his smoking habits up.

"I'm not mad." I tell him. What else was I supposed to say?

"I- I didn't want to drag you into my old life. It's not one I'm particularly proud of."

"Whatever it was Matty it doesn't matter to me." I grabbed his hand, terribly shaky. His hair was still intertwined within his fingers. He leaned against me, forehead near my collar bone, I wrapped my arms around him like a mother would protect her child. And I suppose I loved him the same way, deep love and care and admiration.

I wanted him to be safe because I know how much he means to people, to me.

(this is basically a prologue chapter to the next one. it's good to be writing again!<3)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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