chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Brycen Rivers had just been minding his own business, watching girls walk by and giving the ones who showed interest to him his signature smirk. So yeah he basically had the smirk on his face every time a girl passed since this was a normal routine. Every day at lunch, girls would walk by the table that was located right near the water fountain, take a drink, flip their hair, look over to where Brycen and his friends were sitting and then walk off hoping that one of the guys actually noticed them. It was a day like any other that is until one of Brycen’s recent flings walked up to their table and sat across from him and started talking.

He looked at her confused. She had long blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail, light blue eyes, and a small smile on her face before she started talking but Brycen soon tuned her out when he realized that he had forgotten something.  What was her name again, he thought,  Sami, Stacey, Sandy… he was in trouble now. He looked over to Mason, one of his closest friends hoping for some help, but no luck there. Mason knew the look on Brycen’s face well and just shot him a look that said he was not helping him with this one since he was enjoying watching Brycen squirm under pressure. Brycen then turned and looked at Andrew; his other close friend except he was a bit more serious than Mason was and would help Brycen out if he could.

Andrew shrugged when he realized what Brycen wanted and then turned to look at the girl sitting next him who had tapped him on the shoulder and whispered something in Andrew’s ear. He suddenly smiled and turned to Brycen mouthing the name Sally. Yes! That was it… Sally.Brycen mouthed thanks to the girl holding Andrew’s hand before turning to the girl across from him. Noticing that she had stopped talking, he realized that she must have asked him something. Crap.

“Sorry Sally, can you repeat what you just said I didn’t hear you” he asked with his signature smirk.

“Yeah, I asked if you wanted to go out tonight. We could see a movie or someting.” sally said with an excited smile. This was going to be harder than he thought. If she wanted to go out with him after they spent all last week together she must have believed the lies and lines he basically told all the girls he wanted. Might as well get it over with.Brycen thought and then sighed.

“Sorry sally but I can’t. I'm sure you've heard what people say about me. How i use girls and that after a week or so i ditch them and move on to some one new. Well it's a new week. But maybe I might give you a call if i dont have something to do one day and we could get together.” Brycen said with his smirk on his lips and his blue eyes hard. As soon as the words left Brycen’s lips he noticed her eyes fill with tears. Sally had suddenly realized that all the rumors she had heard about Brycen were true. People had warned her about him but he seemed so nice and she wanted to give him a chance. Looks like she was wrong.  

“Umm okay. I- I’ll see you around” Sally quickly got up and ran out of the cafeteria embarrassed that she had let her self believe that he was as nice and sweet as he seemed and not the heartless player he was known to be.

Brycen let out a breath and looked around at his friends who all had amused looks on their faces.

“I can’t believe you forgot her name. This is like the fifth girl this month and you could have been a little nicer to her even though it was her own fault for  getting involved with you. I thought everyone knew by now that you are just a player.” Miranda said with a disapproving look on her face. 

“Nice Brycen, way to avoid a relationship, although she was one good looking chick. Mind if I give her a try?” Mason said. He was just as much of a player as Brycen was.

“Whatever man. But I should warn you she is one of those girls that believes that deep down everyone is good. I had to almost tell her i was in love with her to get her to sleep with me, thank God it never actually got to that. That is the last time I ‘date’ a nice girl they are way to clingy and sensitive. Next time I’ll just stick to girls who know that nothing serious will happen between us. And Miranda, everyone does know that I'm a player and always will be but girls can't help being attracted to me.” Brycen said with a serious look on his face but when he was talking to Miranda, the smirk was back on his lips.

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