chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The bell rang as Jasey was sitting on a bench, in the girl's locker room, tieing the laces of her black converses. She stood up when she heard Jennie close her  gym locker.

"So, looks like it's time for you to go to detention." Jennie said.

"Urrghh don't remind me. i can't believe it, my first day here and i already have detention. But, i have to admit it was worth it watching Brycen get angry." Jasey said laughing.

"Yeah that was pretty priceless. He is usually all cocky and no one ever dares to get in his way. Oh and when he tried to be his charming self and get you to fall at his feet, like the rest of the girls do, and it didn't even faze you, it was hilarious." Jennie said quietly laughing as the girls walked through the crowed halls toward their lockers.

Jasey was glad that  who ever ran the school's welcoming committee had chosen Jennie to be her tour guide. She had been worried she would have been stuck with someone weird or worse, one of the fake cheerleader types that she kept seeing around the school. 

Jennie stopped in front of her locker and Jasey leaned against the lockers next to Jennie and took out her phone.

"hey Jennie can i have your number" Jasey asked and held her phone out to her.

"Sure and I'll text my phone so I'll have your number." Jennie handed Jasey back her phone before closing her locker.

"okay so I'll text you later and tell you how detention goes with Mr. Rivers. see ya later Jennie." Jasey walked off in the direction she thought the English class room was in.

After five minutes of roaming the halls Jasey was starting to think that she might need some help finding the classroom. She only had five more minutes and began running down the halls in hope of finding someone that could help her find her way but instead she ended up turning a corner and running into someone which caused her to fall backwards and land on her butt.

"I'm so sorry. i wasn't paying attention and..." her voice faded as she realised just who she had bumped into.

"Well maybe if you hadn't been running you could have avoided falling on your ass" Brycen said with an annoyed expression and that's when Jasey realised that he had been drinking from a water bottle when she had run into him. The front of his light blue shirt was soaked in water.

Jasey burst out laughing as she picked herself off the ground. Her laughing only caused Brycen to get even more annoyed at her and he bent down to pick up his water bottle that still happened to have some water in it. Without a second thought Brycen through the rest of the water at Jasey causing her to stop her laughing with a small scream.

"you asshole! that waters cold and you got my shirt wet." Jasey had a look of disbelief on her face. Brycen burst out laughing at the look on her face it truly was priceless. the water had splashed a little on her face and her makeup had begun to run down the corner of her eyes.  

"well i guess we're even since you basically did the same thing to me." Brycen said through his laughter.

"NO. what i did was an accident and i did apologize for it. YOU, Mr. Rivers, did this on purpose." Jasey stepped right up to Brycen and was almost poking him in the chest with her finger.

His laughter died down has he took in her expression. She was truly pissed at him and he didn't care. who did she think she was coming here and acting like she owned the place.

"Yeah, and what are you going to do about it, Jasey Rae." he wasn't asking her, more of challenging her and she knew just what she was going to do. Filled with anger after he had just ruined her favorite shirt and messed up her make up, she stared right into his dark blue eyes and she raised her hand drawing attention away from her knee. As he reached up to grab her hand before it connected with his face, Jasey kneed him in the groin and ran the other way picking up her bag from where it had fallen on the floor.

Brycen was on the floor in pain. She was going to pay for this. Even if it was his fault, what she did was low and uncalled for.

He didn't know what he was going to do yet. but he would think of something.

Hello.. I'm glad people are reading and i was just wondering what you guys are thinking of this story so far. thanks for reading :)  


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