Ch. 1 - Quinceañera

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The girl had finally nodded off to sleep. She'd argued that she could walk just fine, but after one mile in the blazing hot Mexican sun and a busted ankle along with her other injuries, he'd hoisted her onto his back. Big lace dress and all. He'd made sure her wounds were wrapped tightly and since she had no head wounds, he was positive a little shut eye wouldn't harm her. They'd made it safely back to the Starship, and after failing to intercept the robot attack on the small Mexican village, losing all the rangers on his team, he couldn't wait to place the only survivor in an infirmary bed and plop into his own.

"Lieutenant Up! Come in, Up!"

He quickly reached for the crackling radio. "Come in, this is Up."

"Thank the dead God your radio is still working. This is Lieutenant-Commander Valerii, we've got you on dradis. The west entrance is open for you."

"Affirmative Lieutenant-Commander, see you on the flip side."

The metal doors opened up, and he staggered into a group of medics with a stretcher and worried faces. Obviously Valerii hadn't done the helpful thing, and forwarded the information of his condition.

"No, no I'm fine." he assured them as they swarmed with questions and placed the girl, Taz, on the stretcher. "Ms. Tripp, this young lady and needs medical attention."

"Well of course Lieutenant, but who is she?" asked the medic as the others wheeled her away.

Up faltered for a moment. After all, he didn't know, not really. She was a small Mexican girl who had had her whole family killed before her very eyes, and managed to scream loudly enough in the face of death to catch his attention.

"Why did you bring that young lady on board my ship Lieutenant?" Commander Zurik had called Up to his quarters and after pouring two glasses of booze, had questioned him about his

mission. "I'm sure you are well aware, being such an exemplary soldier yourself, that Starships armed for battle are not in habit of taking refugees on board on a whim."

"Yes sir, I am aware of that." Up answered after setting his cup back down on the table.

"So please enlighten me."

"Permission to speak freely, sir." The commander waved his hand and settled back in his seat. "The entire village was destroyed, and there were no bunkers for miles. There's no harm in it. When we get back to the Capitol she'll be able to go to the refugee camp there. She won't be much trouble."

He sighed. "Fine. But Lieutenant, she'll be sleeping in your quarters seeing as you won't be getting any new bunkmates until after you're reassigned at the Academy. Fetch her from the infirmary. Dismissed."

He found her sitting, hiding more like, under an infirmary bed. She'd been given an old ensign's uniform one size too big. Her wounds had been cleaned and tended to and she looked lost, and out of place. When she saw him her face flooded with familiarity and relief almost.

"Taz." he said, almost as to confirm her name.

She nodded. "You're Up. Lieutenant Up."

"Yes, yeah," he paused for a moment. "Well, the Commander says you're to bunk in the same quarters as me for the time being. Since this place is full and I've got no bunkmates."

He held out his hand questionably, wondering if she wanted help getting up. She took it gingerly and stood up next to him. She looked tiny in the too big uniform, and young.

"Don't let go." she breathed as they went out of the infirmary. She had let her guard down and if you looked past the hardened face and wide eyes, you saw a scared, fifteen year old.

He didn't let go.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2013 ⏰

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