/16/ move on

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tour time


"THIS IS OUR NEW AND ALSO LAST SONG FOR TONIGHT!" Will shouted into his mic. "Thanks for being such an amazing crowd. I never thought anyone in Buffalo would ever know us." I added to Will's words. "This song is called Ain't It Fun, see you next time Buffalo!" Grace finished up our speech and then we started the last song.

The song wasn't that new, we'd already performed it at the last two shows but some fans probably haven't heard it yet. I wrote most of the lyrics and, like always, Grace and Will helped me a bit with the details and the music. In the end our songs always turned out like we wanted them to and I think that's why this band got along so well.

Before we had this band, Grace was one of the popular girls at school and used to bully me. As Will moved to Sydney (he's orginially American) he came to our school too. He used to protect me, even though we weren't even friends yet. I was hella shy, I still am, but I somehow had the guts to talk to Will a lot and we clicked. As Grace's friend had to change school she finally realised that bullying me was wrong and stopped. She even apologised and I forgave her Everyone deserved a second chance after all.

About a year after that, we had to start a band for a project in music class. Grace didn't have a partner so our music teacher made her join Will and me. That's how this all started. The band was supposed to only exist for two weeks but Will, Grace and I loved being in a band so much that we decided to keep it. Ever since then we meet up at one of our houses to practice and write songs and sometimes record everything for youtube.

Everyone at school said we were losers and we wouldn't make it. But look at where we were now, in fucking Buffalo in the US. I couldn't be prouder of us.



The day I facetimed Sam was also the day of their announcement on twitcam. And of course I'd watched it. Luke was pretty annoyed by that because he still felt bad about making Sam believe that he had feelings for her. Which he definitely still did. I didn't get why he got together with Rena then. No one did, probably not even Luke himself.

The day after that, I looked up at their tour dates and I was so damn happy for them. I also noticed something which the other guys and the guys from Breakaway Girl hadn't. 5SOS and BG would have a show in Toronto on the same day. And both bands also had a day off in Toronto before that show.

And tomorrow was that day so I made a plan. I'd make our manager find out where they were staying and would surprise them at their hotel. I already told the guys about my plan but only Ashton and Calum wanted to join me. Luke was still being an ass.


the next day


When I woke up the next morning, the tour bus wasn't moving anymore so I guessed we had arrived in Toronto. And to be honest, it was an awesome feeling to wake up in another country.

I hopped out of my bunk and noticed that me and the bus driver were the only ones left. Some great friends I had there. I didn't even mind to change into some clothes or put on makeup. I didn't even brush my hair. I just left the bus, heading to the hotel we were staying at in my spiderman pyjama shorts and one of my Panic! At The Disco shirts.

I hadn't even put on shoes, which, thinking about it now, was a big mistake. The street was burning hot so I had to jump from one leg to my other to avoid the hot ground till i finally reached the hotel entrance. Luckily we weren't famous enough to have fans waiting in front of the hotel because I definitely didn't want them to see me like this.

But someone did see me. He was standing right at the entrance with his new dyed black her with some colorful highlights and a feather in his fringe. It was Michael and he was grinning like an idiot.

"Nice pyjamas." he giggled as I was close enough to hear him. "What are you doing here?" I asked, slightly embarrassed, as I walked over to him and embraced him in a hug. "I missed you too." he teased me which caused me to giggle.

"No but seriously, why are you here?" "I found out that we were in Toronto at the same time so I wanted to surprise you." he smiled proudly. "You kitten." I poked his nose which made him smile even more. "I wasn't joking when I said that I liked your pyjamas by the way." "Thanks. I missed you." I replied as we were still standing there, staring at each other for no reason.

"Let's go inside now or my feet are gonna melt." I laughed and he nodded, leading me inside. As we got to my room, Grace and Will were talking to Ashton and Calum. "Heeeeyyy." I greeted them and gave first Ashton and then Calum a hug. "Hi sleepyhead." Calum teased as we ended our hug.

"Sorry we didn't tell you that we were here too but Michael wanted to keep this a secret so he could surprise you." Ashton apologised and Michael smiled shyly. "It's alright, it was cute." I said and smiled at Michael.

"If you guys wanna make out, just tell us and we'll leave." Will said. "What?" I asked, even though I understood every word. "We can all see that there's something going on between the two of you." Ashton said and everyone but Michael and I nodded.

"What the fuck, we're just friends." Michael defended us and reddened slightly. Why was he blushing? And why did I have this weird feeling in my stomach when he said that we were just friends. It was true after all. "Whatever you say." Grace smiled creepily and I just glared at her. I didn't like Michael, did I? I liked Luke but he definitely didn't like me.

Maybe it was time to move on...


Michael is so cute I'm gonna cry

 Michael and Sam? Mam? Sichael? what shipname do you want? go suggest one bc these are horrible lol

lots of love - tori <3

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