Ok, so I figure some of you are going, "ok, so whats so special about you?"
Well, for starters,
ive really done all the things im gunna post on here.
one of the stories id like to start with is my personal favorite.
but first?
some background info on me and my family.
The reason we travel so much is because my mom works for Exxon Mobil, the worlds largest oil company, and shes been working there sence it was just called Mobil.
not to mention shes good at her job, and a certified work-a-holic.
and ever sence ive been alive shes had to leave on fancy buisness trips to all over the place. but then, when i was 7, she got a VERY interesting job assignment.
a chance to move her and her family over to a lovely little country called Chad, located smack dab in the middle of Africa.
and, being that my dad was MORE than willing to quit his job, and that shes addicted to her job, she said yes.
and THATS what started it all.
now, for those of you that have never heard of chad, it is THE most courupt country in the world, and the 7th poorest.
not to mention the fact that its HOT.
so, as you can imagine, we traveled A LOT.
i remember that first trip to france....
so, I was 7, and Emmie (the Dweeb) was 3.
and after spending the day being marched up and down that huge city by my dad (who believes the only sound method of transportation is by foot, no matter how far the trip), we decided to split up,
my dad would take emmie to the park under the eiffel tower, and mom would take me shopping.
and THIS is why emmie isnt allowed to be alone with my dad anymore.
so, they DID make it to the park, and were both sitting on a bench, Emmie humming, dad reading a book, when all of a sudden...
"daddy, will you help me?"
he looks over to find that my sister had managed to get her head stuck in the bench, in the gap where the back and the seat meet.
my dads reaction to the situtation?
he calmly sets down the book and walks away.
leaving her there,
and comes back with a beer.
my dads excuse for leaving my dweeb of a little sister there?
"she wasnt going anywhere!"
eventually, he manages to push her the rest of the way through, and she crawled out from under the bench as my mother and i walk up.
little did we know, that was just the beginning of an ANYTHING-BUT-ORDINARY life.