Finding a new ally

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It's been 4 years since June told the kids that she knows there secrets. They have been training ever since then and in that time Lloyd appearance has changed quite a bit.

He grew horns, claws and a tail.

Also in that time Harumi started to call June mom.

Lloyd and Harumi sit in front of June at the dinner table while Lloyd says as he takes June's hand "Mom I have something we want to tell you"

"What is it dear?"

"First I want to say this I really love you and I am glad that you took me in all those years ago."

"What are you trying to say?"

"What we're saying mom is that we want to go and build a team to defeat the ninja. And where telling you this as we want to keep you safe" explains Harumi

"I understand, but are you going to keep in contact with me?"

"Don't worry mom we will"

"Ohhh my little baby's have grown up so much" June says as she takes the two into a tight hug.

"Mom please let go your hugging two tight"

"Oops sorry kiddos"

"It's alright mom, I think we've gotten use to it by now" says Harumi

Soon the small family say good bye to each other as the two siblings make their way on their new adventure.

Over on the ninja's side there was a call from the museum about a break in, but all the ninja were out busy so Nya makes the decision to go as Samurai X.

Once she gets there she goes and talks with the guards about what happens. (The rest goes as cannon in the museum)

Back at the Tea shop the ninja show and Jay asks "Wu do you know where Nya is by chance?"

"Yes she had to go to the museum about a break in, she should be back by now though" explains Wu

Just then you can hear the sounds of a jetpack like the one on Samurai X.

"That must be her" says Jay exited

"Jay wait up" says Cole as the other two follow

Wu walks outside as he feels the wind pick up and he says "I know that wind, but it can't be?"

"NYA" yells Jay as he runs to Samurai X

Nya jumps out of the mech and says in a menacing voice "your dear lover isn't here right now" Nya then proceeds to use wind to throw Jay away.

"Woah woah since when do you have elemental powers sis" demands Kai

"Oh like I said to your blue friend this isn't Nya anymore the names-"

"MORROW" yells Wu

"Hahhah I knew my old master would figure it out"

"Morrow what do you want with Nya"

"Oh nothing much, just want to use her body to help me achieve my mission"

"And what's that you bastered?" asks Kai

"I'm not telling unless you defeat me"

"Oh ya think your all tough now, well me tell you something I'm the green ninja"

Kai and Morrow/Nya start to duke it out as the rest watch on in horror watch Kai get his ass beet by a dead man.

"Zane go get the bounty read"

"Yes master" Zane then runs off to get the bounty ready.

Once ready the others get on as Cole begrudgingly sneak attacks Morrow and grabs Kai.

"Let me go I can defeat his ass"

"No you fucking can't this time ass hole and you can't get away with murder this time as since it's your sister"

"Fine you ass hat"

Cole then throws Kai hard onto the ship and Kai says angrily "maybe a softer landing next time"

"That's if there is a next time" says Jay as he points to the mech chasing them down.

"Whole fuck this guy never backs down" says Kai as he stands up

But then suddenly the mech stops and Kai says "why did he suddenly stop?"

The group watches as they see Morrow stop mid air and then heads a different direction.

"I wonder where he's going?" questions Kai

Moments before Morrow is chasing the ninja, but then his head hurts as he hears a powerful and demanding voice.

"Morrow" says the voice

"Who's there?" says Morrow trembling

"Your new Master"

"I don't need a new master. I already have one"

"But what if I tell you I more powerful then your master and I give you more then anything you could possibly wish for"

"I want to see first before I agree and what do you want from me?"

"You know the girls body you are in?"


"It's my sister"

Morrow starts to sweat more once he hears that.

"I can sense you're scared now, there's nothing to worry about Morrow. As long as you bring her to me in one piece I won't torture you"

"Yes sir, but I do have one question though"

"What is it?"

"The green ninja keeps saying this girl is his sister? So are you also siblings"


"Sorry" Morrow quickly says

"But I will show you something"

Just then past memory's are shown to Morrow of what Kai has done.

"Dame this guy is a real bitch"

"He sure is. Now come to this location to meet"

"Yes sir"

Morrow then changes his direction and heads towards where the voice told him too.

Once there Morrow lands and sees a girl with white hair walk out of the shadow's.

"Hello Morrow. My name is Harumi my master has been waiting for you" Harumi says as she bows

Morrow bows as well as he then starts to follow Harumi.

"Um Harumi, but who exactly is are master?"

"This is are master"

Morrow looks up to see a person in gold armour and a staff in one hand.

Harumi bows as she says "brother Morrow has arrived"

"Thank you sister" Lloyd says as he stands up and walks down the steps.

Once in front of Morrow Lloyd says "are you ready to risk your life for dreams to come true?"

"Yes I am Master, but I have a question?"

"What is it"

"My name is Lloyd, but can call me the golden Oni"

Lloyd then sticks his hand out as he says "welcome to the team Morrow"

"Glad to join"

"Baby brother" a voice says quietly in Morrows borrowed body.

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