#2: "Warriors: No Trust" by awesomesauceoreos

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Foreword: We are very proud and happy to know that our little fan-based account is beginning to 'burst' into the real world, attracting more and more Warriors [Cats] fans as the days move on [Duskie Note (you'll be seeing a lot of these in random places) Why can't I get 50 followers in a month? WHY AM I NOT AWESOME ENOUGH?!] ! We are also honored that our wonderful fans have decided to allow us to review their well-thought and written Warriors [Cats] fanfictions! We are also proud to see that we've gotten multiple requests for book reviews and our contests book is full underway. Feel free to join one of our contests, request your own book for a (very) thorough review, and subscribe to major events and new contests!

This review will not work in exactly the same way as our first one did. The structure of the review will depend on whichever admin is reviewing the book. Duskie is doing this one, so many things will be different from Wolfy's review.

Description: [created by @awesomesauceoreos] Bluepaw, Dapplepaw, and Ripplepaw had just became apprentices when the disease from the elder's tales returns. Just as their dreams began, they were crushed. He was left with a beaten Clan where any of the cats who knew the sickness before simply gave up and waited to die.

Soon after, the Clan begins to fall apart as as horrible betrayal starts a battle with DuskClan, who seem to be fully healthy.

The new apprentices; Bluepaw the brave; Ripplepaw the shy; Dapplepaw the healer. They all are growing in a tragic era.

But they'll all fight until their last breaths.

|awesomesauceoreos's [Rio] mentor is Duskwater [Duskie]- who wishes only to advice her apprentice of her [him?] mistakes, so her apprentice can overcome them in the future.|

Okay, I'm just saying this early because I don't want any hard feelings later. This is just a critical overview of Rio's book and I am NOT trying to make them feel bad or the book look bad.

The eight assessments in a warrior's path: [the eight difficulties/assessment points]

Hurdle One {Predator}: The fox - The fox is constantly lunging at you, taking up your time, not leaving you enough to think. It is truly a feat to come up with creative and original ideas with the vicious fox at your heels [Or paws. Is it heels or paws for cats? Hmm...].

[The simple definition: the originality] I would say that Rio passed this skill with average marks. The reason for this is because there are many stories existing with a new type of disease similar to the '-coughs' striking the Clans. Not all of them have the same name [blackcough, yellowcough, browncough] and many of the symptoms are the same ones that Rio's redcough shows [e.g. harsh coughing, blood included with coughs, almost always fatal, etc.]. One of the more original parts I saw in her/his book was Ripplepaw's connection to his mother. I have never ever seen a more devoted kit. I mean, gosh, he can't even function without his mom at his side! That was certainly a new concept, one of a Clan cat being too meek to be a true warrior because he was to weak without his mother. I do suppose that he was just out the nursery, but you don't see the same kind of commitment from his littermates. Another unique thing to point out would be Dustleap. As the book says, he was in a fight with a fox, which caused his jaw to break and so left him with a permanent accent. That was pretty clever, I must say so. :D I also like the idea of how the original Clans were destroyed and these three cats came together to make the new Clans, DuskClan, LightClan [which our heroes are in], and ShadeClan. 

Hurdle Two {Predator}: The badger - When fighting the huge, dangerous badger, you have no time to think about the fact that the warrior you ordered inside the cave for protection wants to fight along, wants to make a contribution, doesn't want to be ordered around, because though the lumbering beast's mind is dull, its sharp claws and heavyset body more than make up for it.

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