cookies ( Harry )

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"Harry?" I laugh, "What the hell are you doing?" He looks up from the recipe on the kitchen counter. "honestly? I have no clue." I walk over to him and push him away with my hips, grabbing the recipe in my hands. "chocolate chip cookies? That is literally one of the easiest things you can cook and you still manage to fuck it up?" I ask him, my eyesbrows raised.

Harry and I have been friends for around 5 years now and I have to admit I sort of have a crush on him. But I swear I've never even seen him touch a pan or anything like that before. "shush you, I wanted it to be a surprise for you but it didn't really work out I guess." he says, a small smile on his lips.

"for me?" I fake gasp.

"well no also for me but whatever," he grins, "now help me or there will be no cookies."

I quickly walk over to the, still empty, bowl. "Did you even get anything done?" I ask Harry, amusement evident in my voice. "uh, no?" he giggles. I roll my eyes at him and slap his arm playfully, "let's change that then."

When the cookies are finally in the oven we start cleaning up the kitchen. I pick up the bowl, about to wash it of when Harry puts empty eggshells on my head. I turn around quickly, the shells falling off my head and the little egg that was left in it drips down my shirt.

I raise my eyebrows at him, "Is this a challenge?" He looks at me amused. "However you see it." The moment he says that I carefully dip my finger in the bowl that I left behind me without him noticing. "oh okay then." I say and then quickly wipe the dough on his cheek.

"Oh don't you dare!" Harry screams as I duck down behind the kitchen counter. He storms towards me, a pack of flour in his hands. "Oh my god, Harry! No, please!" I scream, throwing my hands up in surrender.

"no no, won't stop." He yells, while dropping a bunch of flour on my head. I couch and quickly pick up little pieces of chocolate that lay on the counter throwing them at him. He laughs and runs away dipping his finger in the same bowl I did minutes ago.

"Stop throwing your stupid chocolate at me or I'll smear this all over you." he warns, trying to keep a straight face. I giggle, throwing another piece at him. "never."

"You're so going to regret this!" he says, walking over to me and attempting to smear the dough on my cheek but I shake my head heavily. After a moment I stop, just like him while his thumb with the dough on it is infront of me. Before I actually realize what I'm doing I take his thumb in my mouth and suck the dough off. His eyes widen slightly but our eyes stay locked. When I release his thumb from my mouth he gently caresess the corner of my mouth. (( a/n: sorry for breaking the moment but what the shit this sounds so sexual idek what i'm doing i ))

I feel myself blush as I push a stray of his long hair out of his face. "You're hands are quite soft." Harry mumbles, still staring at me. I giggle, looking at the ground. I honestly have no idea what came over me but I'm suddenly really nervous. Harry's hand grips my chin and pushes it up, "Hey," he whispers, locking eyes with me again. I stare at him with big eyes, not really knowing what I want to say. Now it's his turn to push a strand of hair out of my face and his hand lingers on my cheek a little bit longer than necassary.

"You're hands are kinda soft too." I laugh, smiling at him. A grin forms on his lips and then he mumbles something under his breath I don't really catch. "What?" I ask quietly.

"You're beautiful." He says, a little bit louder than before. I open my mouth to protest but Harry quickly shuts me up by pressing his lips to mine. The reaction my body gives to the kiss is unbelievable. Like it's second nature I close my eyes and kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He's quick to pull my close pushing me up against the counter, his hands digging into my hips.

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