band practise ( Zayn )

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hi guys, the song theyre gonna play this chapter is on the side and im in love with it so lol. enjoy my shitty writing lol


*Evie's P.O.V*

I stand infront of my mirror and put my hair in a ponytail. I don't really care what I look like, I'm going to bandpractise with these kids from school I barely know. Our music teacher thought it was a fun idea to form a band and raise money. I like her, so I couldn't really say no. I look at my phone to see Sarah, the girl where we have practise, has send her adress. I get on my bike and head towards her house. When I arrive there, I see it's a little tiny cute house. The total opposite of Sarah, to be honest. She's kinda geeky, she plays bass what surprises me about her, but she never talks. I park my bike and knock on the front door, since there's no doorbell. Sarah opens the door with a bright smile on her lips, hair in a messy bun. I notice she's really beautiful. "Evie!" she squeals, her voice annoyingly high. I didn't know her voice was this high, maybe that's why she never talks.

"uh, hey?" I more ask than say. She doesn't notice my non excitement and gives me a hug. "Are you as excited as we all are?" she asks, in her annoying high voice. I try to answer her question but she grabs my arm and drags me towards the garage. When we come in all the kids are looking at me full of excitement. Jesus, why did I ever say yes to this. "Evie!" a guy behind the drums says. I have no idea how he knows my name or what his is. "Let's start!" a girl who think her name is Emily says. Got some eager people here.

"yeah, sure okay, what are we gonna play?" I ask, we learned a few songs at school so I guess we're gonna do one of them.

"when the lights die?" the drum guy suggests. I nod, I actually like that song a lot. "yeah sure let's start." Sarah says.

She begins strumming her guitar slowly and I'm surprised by how it sounds, she's really good. I move my head a little to the music she creates until it's time for me to start singing. While I start the others start too. When the song ends I smile to myself, I can not believe this bunch of random kids, who are the complete opposites of each other can create such a good sound. "oh my god, that was amazing!" Sarah's voice squaels next to my ear. That kid stays annoying.

"Is it okay for you guys if I get us some drinks?" I ask.

"Oh yeah sure! There's coke in the fridge and some glasses in the cupboard above the sink." Sarah says with a smile on her lips. I nod and leave the garage. I walk through the hallway to the door I suppose leads to the kitchen. When I open the door I see I was right, there's an amazing kitchen on my left with a cute dining table on the right. I walk towards the fridge and take the coke out. I but it down and walk to the cupboard where Sarah told me the glasses would be. When I open it I see there are no glasses in there and sigh. I open the cupboard next to it but without luck, there are no glasses there either. I grab the coke and turn around so I can go back to the garage, when I bumb into someone. The coke slips out of my hands and drops on the ground. The cap falls off and there spills coke all over the ground. My hand covers my mouth, this is something what happens a lot in my life. I'm the clumsiest person on this earth. Suddenly I hear a laugh coming from next to me, I turn my head and my jaw drops. The boy next to me is incredibly handsome.

His black hair pushed upwards and looking fluffier than a puppy. He wears a dark green sweater and tattoos cover his under arm. I see a lot of similarities with Sarah. They both have these amazing brown eyes and black hair. So I guess this is her brother.

"do I need to uh, clean this or something?" I ask him, a little unsure about myself.

"no, it's okay, I got this." he says, while grabbing some paper towels.
"you know, it's gonna cost ages just cleaning it with some paper towels."

"oh yeah? and how am I supposed to do it then?" he asks me, an amusing smirk on his face.

"do you have a towel or something?"

"yeah, next to the fridge." He says pointing towards the fridge. I nod and grab the towel. "can you catch?" I ask him, raising my eyebrows. "what do I look like" he says raising his eyebrows too, "try me." I throw the towel towards him and he catches it with ease. "told you." he says, smiling at me.

"did I say you didn't?" two can play this game you know. "uh, what do I need to do with this towel?" he asks me, flipping it around in his hands.

"eat it."

"oh- wait what?" I burst out laughing. "what do you think silly, just wipe the coke of the floor."

"one, I'm not silly. two, I have a name and three my mom's gonna kill me if I do that."

"one, yes you are definitly silly. two, how am I supposed to call you by your name if I don't know it and three, well just hide it or something." he laughs when I say this. "you have a valid point there, I'm Zayn and it's a pleasure to meet you." he tries to say the last part as posh as possible what makes me laugh. "It's very nice to meet you too Zayn, my name is Evie." I say, trying to sound posher than him.

"sooo, you're plan was to hide a with coke soaked towel?" he asks me with a smile on his lips.

"uh, yes but if you say it like this, it sounds like an absolute stupid plan so let's try something else."

"as?" he asks. "you dropped it you know."

"true, but you're not letting me use the towel." I challenge him.

"wait, I got a towel from my dog we can use that one?"

"okay, sure okay." I smile at him while he grabs the towel and throws it towards me. I miss it and it falls on the ground. He bursts out laughing and I do too. I squat and take the towel, I wobble still squated to the coke and start wiping it off the floor. I feel zayn eyes on my the whole time. I look up at him through my eyelashes and bite my lip, how is it even possible that god created him.

"fuck Evie, can you please not do that." He groans. I shrug and finish wiping the coke from the floor I throw the towel in the sink. My hands are still sticky and wet from the coke so I decide to give it a try and wipe my hand across his cheek. His head snaps towards me and I run away towards a door I think leads to the livingroom. I open the door and to my surprise see that it's a room. One wall is a window from the floor to the ceiling and 2 walls are black and one is covered in spray paint. I forget what I was doing and look around the room. It's absolutly amazing. Suddenly I feel two arms wrap around my waist to lift me up. I let out a little scream and before I know it my back hits the soft bed. Zayn is on top of me and I look at him, surprised by what he just did. "you know, you deserve some revenge." he says, his face dangerously close to mine.

"hmm, and what were you thinking of?" I ask, my words barely louder than a whisper. I don't know what it is, but he just has this effect on me.

"this" he whispers, closing the gap between our lips. When our lips touch, this jolt of energy runs through my body. His hand grip my shirt tightly while I wrap my arms around his neck and push my fingers through his hair. I deepen the kiss, and he moves his hand under my shirt. I let out a little moan when Sarah's voice interrupts us. Zayn pulls away quickly and rolls off of me and lays down on his back next to me.

"Zayn, have you- oh my god." she covers her eyes with her hands and turns around. "I uh, come back later." she says, leaving the room as fast as she can. I let out a quiet laugh and roll on my side to look at Zayn. He stares at the ceiling and he looks awfully cute, with that little smile on his lips "you know" I say "that was the worst revenge I've ever seen."


loll hi oh my god, i kinda like this story tbh. its really random and weird but yeah anyway I have no idea how it works with music and stuff bcs i cant play anything myself lol.


its almost 2am so im gonna sleep lol

xx O

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