rooftop ( Harry )

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hey, so this is the first one shot i ever write and i dont know how its gonna work out and stuff lol ( im gonna edit later so lol )


*evie's P.O.V*
I smile when I walk up the stairs, the smell of cigarettes filling my nose. When I reach the end of the first staircase I freeze. Wait, if I smell cigarettes that means someone had been here. My breathing becomes uneven, I've never thought of the possibility that someone could be here. I come here since the day when I ran away from home when I was six. I've never seen someone here. I shrug, the person is probably gone already. I walk further on the stairs until I reach the door to the top I swing it open and freeze again. There he is, sitting with his back against the wall. Only his head sticks out above of it. I turn around to go back down the stairs but the moment I do the door slams shut. I let out a little scream when I hear a laugh coming from behind me. I turn around to look at him and take a step back right away. His head is turned towards me a smile covering his lips, his eyes are squinted into tiny splits because of the laughing and a beanie covers his brown hair.

"What's this funny?" I ask, trying to sound casual.

"Why are you following me?" he asks, not answering my question. Now it's my turn to laugh. "following? I can ask you the same thing you know."

"No you can't, I was here first." Amusement glinting in his eyes. I start walking and sit down next to him. My back pressed against the still warm wall. I loop up at the sky and see a million stars, I smile lightly. This is one of the reasons why I love this place.

"Are you gonna answer or what?" He snaps me out of my trance and I look at him. His green eyes piercing right through my soul. At least, that's what it feels like. Now I see him again, he see his beautiful. "huh? what?" He chuckles at me.

"why are you here?" He asks, probably again. I don;t know since I didn't hear it the first time.

"just escaping from the city and getting some rest, I guess" I smile lightly at him.

"But why here?" He asks.
"To be honest, I don't really know, I've been coming here since I was six." A confused look covers his face.

"what?" I ask, frowning at him.
"You've been coming here since you were six? holy shit." he mutters the last thing under his breath. "That's almost impossible, it's actually scary then that we've never seen each other before. How old are you?"

"uh, 17" I answer, I still don't know where he's going.

"Jesus, we both have been coming here for over ten years and have never seen each other. That's just, wow." My jaw drops at his words. "Are you serious?" I ask him, in total shock. "no, I'm not, not at all." and with that I burst out laughing. I see him looking at me and then he starts laughing too, I swear I've never laughed this hard before. "oh my god, let's just introduce ourselves properly, I'm Evie." I say while I stick my hand out for him to shake. "Harry" He says while he takes me hand and shakes it awkwardly. We talk and laugh for a while until I look at my phone and see it's 1am already.  "I'm going home." I say to Harry brushing my hands over my jeans. He grabs my wrist and a shock goes trough my body from his touch. a good kind of shock though, one that warms your inside. I look down at him with raised eyebrows. "stay."  he whispers, almost inaudible. I'm shocked, but to my surprise happy that he asked it. I sit down again and look at him. "What are we gonna do?" I ask.

"let's play 20 questions?" he asks, a little unsure about himself. I noticed he's really shy but that's actually kind of cute. "sure." I say.

"okay I start." he says, a little too eagerly I let out a little laugh and wait for him to ask the first question.

"how did you end up here when you were six?" I laugh at him. "well, I wanted candy but my mom thought I was too fat so she didn't give me some and I was really angry at her so I walked away and just came up here." 

"rebellious." he says in such a weird way that I look at him. His face dangerously close too me. I gulp and blush. "you little rebel." he whispers. While he says this he looks down at my lips. I keep looking at his eyes until I can't take it anymore. I put my hands on his neck and push his face towards mine, our lips connecting in such an amazing way I smile into the kiss. It's a soft and gentle kiss. After a little while he pulls away and rests his forehead against mine. "You know, you're the brightest star this evening." he whispers and after that, he connects our lips again.


okay so, this was my first one shot and i hope you liked. the end is a little bit rushed sorry for that, im trying to rush it a little less in the next story lol and its really short so im gonna make it a little longer next time okay? lol stay with me next one is better i promise.


xx O

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