one. [you've got mail]

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Her pen glided over the slightly crumpled piece of notebook paper she had previously tore from her binder. Her eyes scanned over the sheet in deep concentration, a small frown sweeping over her lips. A soft hum escaped from her lips as she retracted her hand from the paper, beginning to read over the thoughts she had already pasted to the paper.

She muttered inaudible words to herself as she looked back to her door, making sure that the door was indeed closed. A tune from Prince took over her mumbles as she began humming one of her favorite songs. Her thoughts ran back from her hand and to the paper as she finished of her first of many letters, containing some of her hardships she had endured from a young age.

Staying silent, she reached for an envelope, beginning to think of an address she could use. Her hand quickly, but neatly, wrote an address, no name included, on the envelope. Her first house. The house that had built her. It couldn't be a more perfect place.

She took the paper in her hands, the sheet shaking lightly between her fingers, her lips parting as she began reading it.




"Ashton, give me back the remote!" The dark haired, dark eyed boy exclaimed, his arm extended over the opposite boy's chest in attempt to grab the control.

"Cal, its my home, therefore my remote," the male with curly, brown lock explained calmly as he held the hand with the remote up in the air, scanning over the channels.

A huff escaped Calum's lips as he folded his arms over his chest sinking down into the crease of his couch. "Rude," he said quietly as his eyes flickered over the screen.

"Whatever," he shotback and seconds later he sat the remote down in between them. "Do what you want, i have to see if the information for tour has come in the mail yet," Ashton mumbled as he pulled himself up from the couch, slumping towards the door.

As he walked out of the front door of his home, the warm air of Australia hit his body, his hand already sweeping back through his locks.

His eyes met the tail end of the mail car, giving him conformation that the mail had just arrived. Dimples appeared on his cheeks, caused from the smile on his lips, as he sprinted to the mail box in hope of knowing more of their upcoming tour.

His fingers ripped open the mail box, grabbing the few items inside. He looked around, moving to sit on a small bench by the sidewalk in front of his house as he scanned quickly through the mail.

As he was going through, a rather exquisite envelope caught his eyes, as he quickly removed it from the bunch, observing the outside.

No name. No return address. Only a stamp and the address belonging to his home of five months.

His fingers grazed the sides of the object, slowly tearing the top open and pulling out a piece of notebook paper.

And as he looked over the sheet of crumbled paper, he began to read it, not expcting what he found.


A frown swept over his face as he re-read the letter for the sixth time, still moved by the words it contained.

"Dear someone,

Hi. You don't know me, and I hope to God I don't know you. My life has been a constant struggle of finding who I am, and I still have no idea what so ever who i see when i look in a mirror. I guess, maybe, I thought by writing this, I might identify myself. But then again, maybe thats just my mind playing yet another joke on me. Either way, whoever you are, thabks for taking time to read what i'm saying if youve gotten this far. If you read what im saying thats the most compassion ive ever been shown. And im going to assume you read just to feel better about me.

All you actually need to know about me is that im different than most people. I tend to shy away from others in my uni and have one actual friend, and we don't even talk to often now. Life seems to be seperating from everyone ive ever loved. Someone, i hope you neverhave to endure what i have. My parents, my sibling, my first love, my best friends, all of them gonw, and i feel as if its my fault.. because it really is.

So, i pray that you dont disappear because of me as well, because like wow, then im cursed. Thats all i have to say for now.. thanks for reading and expect another, i guess. Sorry for the bother, whoever you may be.


His hand pushed back through his hair as hebleaned back on the bench, still mumbling the words written to himself.

There was something about this anonymous person, and he intended on figuring out what was drawing him to R.

He wanted to know.
He had to know.
He was striving toward a stranger he had never met.
and he had never felt so confident in himself in a mission.


The three boys sat around Ashton, sharing a confused glance as they looked back down at the letter they had just been read.

"You've lost your mind."

The boys nodded their head in agreement to the comment coming from the bright red head's comment.

"Im not. Its strange guys. I honestly feel like these were sent to me for a reason."

As if they had counted down, sighs left the boys mouths' in unison. "I dont have time for this, i need to keep my focus on the tour," the blonde said as he stood up from the table.

"I support you, but I'm keeping my eyes on where they should be, not some stranger."

And with those words, the young male left, as if leading the others out one by one, leaving Ashton alone at his table.

He picked the letter up yet again, his eyes flickering over the paper as he began to read it all over again.



Her blonde hair cascaded over her desk, her hed resting on her text book, soft snores roaming in the air.

"Reece, we need to talk-" a voice spoke up as the opened the door to the girl's apartment, quieting down as they realized she was still fast asleep.

Reece stirred, slowly lifting her head from the desk, a hand moving to the back of her neck witha small groan.

"Im so sorry," the girl said, running her hands through her short black hair.

"Dont be, i should have been up by now," she whispered, wiping the sleep from her eyes. "Is everything okay?"

"No, we havent talked in ages, and we have to catch up. So, youre staying at my place tonight," the opposing girl said, shooting Reece a soft smile.

"Abbygail. Is there some reason for this sudden invitation?" The blonde questioned, raising up an eyebrow in investigation.

"Noooo, i promise!" The girl exclaimed, crossing her arms over her chest, tapping her foot on the floor. "Now, im going to leave, and youre going to show up in a few hours. Its time we caught up."

Reece nodded her head, a small sigh falling from her mouth as she stretched in her seat, watching the person who had once abandoned her walk out.

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