Chapter 33 Those Beautiful Eyes.

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Today Neo says the wolves are leaving for awhile but they will be back. I get up noticing they're all together at the entrance of the cave, I slowly get up and walk over to them, kiss them on their heads "thank you so much for protecting me wolves and helping save our lives!" One by one they all put a side of there face to my stomach before they leave.

We follow them outside one of them walks up to Neo so he kneels down to him and glows his eyes, then the wolf does the same as the other three watch. Then the wolf walks takes off leading the other three behind it.

The wolf that got scratched up saving me it stops, looks back at us and howls then runs with the others. I can't believe they are leaving I feel bad that they're leaving but I'm sure they'll be back.

One Week Later.

I've been getting sick a lot, feeling drained and tired all the time Neo has been going hunting on his own to feed me. We haven't gone hunting in a while and I'm really starting to miss it. I've been actually getting horny lately but I haven't told him.
I'm pretty sure he could smell it on me though he's just been so busy taking care of me he's to worried about getting me better.

He really has been taking good care of me but lately I haven't been able to sleep I keep having nightmares of the black wolf attacking me a week ago. I've been waking up screaming, everytime I wake up he's holding me calming me down which helps I'm so glad he is here with me.

The Next Night.

Neo has gone to get dinner so far I haven't gotten sick all day I've just been really hungry I've been feeding all day and I can't stop so he's had to go out and get food almost all day. I keep apologizing for asking him to go out so much but he says it's okay.

When he finally shows up he drags our dinner over to me then shifts "There you go babe!" I start feeding and try to hand him the meat after I feed but he won't eat. "Neo babe why aren't you eating?" "Because I think I know what will help and not make you so sick" I go silent.

When I get done he lays me down "Lena I'm gonna do something that will help you that I can only do once!" "What's that babe?" "I'm gonna make you like me" I start to get a little confused.. "What do you mean Neo?" "I'm going to make you a wolf" I look up at him with a shocked look on my face! "You can do that!?" "Yes I can you need meat in your system but I know all you need is blood but it's not enough babe" I start to worry if he's going to loose control and hurt me like last time.

"Is.. is it going to hurt?" "Yes but just for a few minutes it'll be okay I promise!" He says as he kisses my head. He slowly kisses me and starts to take my clothes off, then kisses down to my tits, licking them and kisses my stomach multiple times.

He puts it in me and I start scratching him and listen to him growl and see his eyes change color. "Are you okay babe?" "Yes don't stop! God I love you Neo!" "I love you to lena do you want to be a wolf?" "Yes actually I really do change me please?" "Okay babe I will" I can feel him getting closer and closer "okay babe this is gonna hurt" "I don't care Neo do it baby!" He kisses me as I feel his left hand slowly going down my body down to my leg.

He lifts my leg then grabs my left arm with his right hand holding it above my head. He looks at me and kisses me his eyes go blue again then kisses my shoulder. "OH MY GOD!" I grip and scratch his back as I feel his teeth in my shoulder and the sting of his claws in my leg and arm! I feel him Cumming in me while he's biting me which makes me cum too. After awhile I relax my body, after a few minutes he let's go of my arm and leg then releases his bite.

I kiss him "Are you ok I didn't hurt you to bad did I babe?" "Yes it hurt like you said but it wasn't to bad I love you Neo!" "I love you to Lena!" He says with a smile. We kiss then he holds me and we talk all night long till I start to get really sleepy.

Through out the night I start to get really warm I'm almost starting to sweat I take our blanket off of us then I start to get really cold "Neo will you put some clothes on me since I don't feel like moving please baby?" "Of Course babe!" So he puts some clothes on me then gets behind me and holds me again as I start to feel better.

The next morning I start to feel a little different than before. I'm warm my skins really warm I get up and wake Neo. "Neo babe wake up." He wakes up and looks right into my eyes "Lena your eyes!" "What! What's wrong!?" He puts his hand on my cheek "Nothing is wrong Lena your eyes, there like mine they're so beautiful!" I smile and put my hand over his giggling as I look down then back up at him.

I tilt my head against his hand looking into his eyes I push against his hand as his thumb rubs over my cheek. I turn my head and kiss his hand with my eyes closed then just keep looking into his eyes. "Show me your eyes Neo" I watch as they change from the dark hazel color to bright glowing blue, All I can do is stare at his eyes as he stares back at mine.

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