Chapter 2

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"Addilyn what are you doing here?" I growled

"I came to check up on you. I didn't hear from you after you left the party. I didn't even know when you left the party." Addilyn said

"Well you are the one that took me to the damn party in the first place."

I was starting to get annoyed with her. I opened the fridge and started looking for something to eat. I heard Addilyn go on and on about the party and about this boy that she met. Just hearing about boys was making me sick to my stomach. I didn't want to hear about anything that had a dick.

"Addilyn SHUT UP!" I yelled

She stopped talking and looked at me shocked. I finished making my sandwich and we went up to my room. Addilyn could tell that something was wrong with me. I never acted this way unless someone really pissed me off and that was rare. We sat there watching Pretty Little Liars, while I ate my sandwich. I knew she was twitching to say something to me. Once I finished my sandwich, I turned the t.v. off, so I could talk to my best friend.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you, but you kept going on and on about some guy. I don't want to hear about any guy right now." I said

"Trinity, what is wrong? You never get this way." My best friend chimed

"I left the party with Colin last night."

Addilyn gasped looking at me crazy. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, we went back to his house. I never knew that it was going to happen."

"That what was going to happen."

I started to tear up a bit. I couldn't stand the thought of it. "We had sex."

She just stared at me, trying to take in what I just said. I knew that she was shocked at what I said. She was my best friend and knew everything about me.

"Oh my gosh, are you serious right now? Trinity, are you ok?"

"I have no clue Add. I just know that I am disgusted at myself and Colin for letting this happen. I can never take my virginity back now." I say beginning to cry again.

Addilyn hugged me and tried to comfort me as much as she could. I know this is going to affect me a lot. Once you lose it, you have to deal with the consequences. I lost it to the wrong person.

Why did this hurt so much? I never thought that this would be the way that I would lose my virginity. I always thought that it would be with someone that I loved.

"Add, what am I going to do? This was the reason why I didn't want to have sex yet. I knew that I couldn't handle with all the emotional stuff."

"I know sweetheart, it will get better. It will all be over soon."

At that moment my phone started to ring. The caller ID said Colin. I started to reach for it but Addilyn stopped me and picked it up putting it on speaker.

"What do you want Colin?" Add said

"Addilyn, put Trinity on the phone I called her." Colin laughed

"She does not want to talk to you. You are the most disgusting guy on this planet."

"Oh sweetheart, she was the one that wanted it."

I immediately grabbed the phone from Addilyn. "You must be fucking kidding me to think that I wanted to have sex with you."

"You are funny babe." He said hanging up the phone.

I was furious at him. Why was he jerk? I wanted to punch him so bad. I hated that he was doing this to me.

I fell asleep immediately. I was really tired from all the pain. Sleep was the only thing would let me get away from the pain. Addilyn stayed with me the whole day to make sure that I would be ok. I'm glad that I had a great best friend. She tried to talk about things that would make me not think about what happened. But it was hard when I was really sore all over my body.

Nothing was ever going to be the same from now on. All that was going on in my mind was that he ruined everything. I couldn't think about anything but what he did to me. This was tearing me apart. I had no clue that this was going to be so hard.

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