Chapter 4

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I sat in my room clicking away on my video game controllers. When Levi comes bursting into my room. I swear this boy never leaves me alone for one minute. He jumps on the bed next to me.

"What is it now Levi?" I asked

"Nothing, I can't spend time with my best friend?" Levi replied

"Whenever you burst into the room like this you want something, so spit it out."

Levi takes out his phone doing something. He holds the phone out to me. I take and see the face of a beautiful girl in front of me. Her eyes were gorgeous and her smile was absolutely radiant.

"She's pretty isn't she." Levi asks

"Yeah, she's beautiful. But why are you showing me a picture of her?" I asked back.

"I am dating her best friend and well she thought that you two will make a great couple."

I take a minute to take in what he said. Another blind date, he always liked to plan a date for me and some girl. That the last time that happened she turned out to be a total freak and talked way to much. These things never helped me. But she was really gorgeous so I might as well take a chance with her.

"Well it never hurts to try." I say

"Great we are all having dinner tonight. So it will be like a double date." Levi chimes  "We are leaving at six so you better get ready by then."

Levi leaves my room, leaving me to think about the girl I was about to go on a date with. So many thinks was going through my mind. Would she like me? Is she really the girl in the picture or was Levi just messing around with me. He had a tendency to mess with me and get me out of the house.

I looked at the clock, seeing that the time was three o'clock. I had about three hours to get ready. But since it only took me about an hour to get ready for a date, I continued to play my game.


We sat in TGI Fridays, waiting for the girls to get there. I was getting more and more nervous by the minute. I was never usually this nervous with any girl, but something about this girl made me beyond nervous. I looked at my watch and saw that it was seven o'clock. What was taking these girls so long. 

I was about to ask Levi where they were, when two beautiful girls were walking towards our table. I knew the brunette was the girl for me and the blonde was Levi's girlfriend. The brunette didn't seem too happy to be here. When they came near the table, we both got up. Levi greeted his girlfriend with a kiss, while the other girl just stood there. She was absolutely more beautiful in person. The way her hair fell around her face. Her eyes was the one thing that caught my attention.

"Levi, Austin, this is my best friend Trinity." The blonde said "My name is Addilyn, but you can call me Add."

"Hi" Trinity said with a smile.

Her smile was more radiant in person as well. I pulled out her chair and she sat down. Then I took my seat next to her, striking up a conversation.

She seemed so bubbly and happy. But I could tell that something was bothering her. However, I just left it alone and let her talk about whatever she wanted. We were actually have a very good conversation, until her phone went off. She immediately looked down on it, getting a discouraged face.

"Excuse me, I need to take this." She said

I nodded and she got up from the table. I looked at Addilyn and I could tell that something was up. Addilyn got up as well and followed Trinity outside. Looking at Levi, I could tell that he knew something that I didn't.

The girls came back and sat down like nothing ever happened.


It was a great night so far until my phone went off. I looked down to see that Colin texted me. I swear this dude couldn't leave me alone. I just wanted him to get the message that I don't want him anymore.

I got up and excused myself to go outside, Add came with me since she knew what was going on. Once we reached outside the building, I called Colin.

"Now you want to call me babe." Colin answered

"I am not your babe. So please stop calling me and texting me. I want nothing to do with you. What we did was nothing." I claimed

"It wasn't nothing sweetheart. I know you loved it. Plus, I will always be the one that took your virginity. So you can deny it all you want love. You will be mine one again, you can count on it." He said

"In your dreams Colin, I have a date to go back to. GOODBYE!" I say hanging up the phone.

I look at Add and she was happy at how I confidently stood up to Colin. She could tell that I was enjoying this date very much. I just hope that Austin wasn't like Colin. We went back inside and sat down like nothing happened. Our food came giving us a very good time to eat and talk again.

For the first time in two weeks I actually felt really happy. This actually took my mind off of everything that had happened. I really hoped that this could go somewhere.

Once dinner was finished we decided to go see a movie. When we got to the movie theater, we all decided to see the new Insidious movie. I knew I was going to regret this decision. We took our seats in the back of the theater. Austin bought us a few snacks. We argued a bit about splitting the payment but he insisted that he paid for it.

The lights went dark and the movie began. During the really scary parts I would hide my face into Austin's chest. This initially made him put his arm around me. It made me feel safe to be honest.

By the middle of the movie I had my head laying on his shoulder. I could tell that he was looking down on me. So I looked up and saw his face just inches away from mine. His eyes were a crystal blue which had me mesmerized. We looked into each others eyes for a few moments. He was getting closer, I knew he was going to kiss me.

"Umm, I need to use the ladies room for a minute." I blurted

"Oh, umm yeah." He said

I knew he was disappointed but I didn't want to kiss him just yet. I don't even know if I wanted to date him. He's a really nice guy, but with everything that just happened I have no clues if I wanted a relationship.

I went out into the lobby and just caught my breathe for a minute. Then after a few minutes I went back into the theater and sat back down.

"Are you ok?" Austin asked

"Yeah, just need a bit of fresh air." I said

The movie finished, so we all went outside to the parking lot. Add and I said bye to the boys and we went home.

Tonight was a bit spontaneous.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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