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The roads were still a little wet from the rain last night and puddles were all around our front yard. I carefully trudged on the softened earth, avoiding the murky pools like land mines. The sky decided on a drizzle and everyone was hovering under huge umbrellas, looking sullen as if the rain had frustrated them. I, on the other hand, was loving the weather. I always liked how the rain drops on my skin. The cold, biting feeling that sends chills down my spine has somehow made me feel actually alive. My high school was merely ten blocks away from home so I walk to it everyday. My mom would take me, but I refused to miss out on the beauty of solitude. Solitude I found only when I take long walks. I've always liked to let my mind wander along with my feet.

"You're gonna catch a cold y'know."

I turned around. It was Emma. She ran towards me to share her umbrella. I can't really call her a best friend since she has her own circle in school and all but we both go way back.

"The weather's nice." I smiled.

"What? It's cold. My Mary Jane's all muddy and my hair! Ugh. The moisture is making it look soppy." She gestured to her blonde locks which rolled all the way down to her waist. I laughed because it was typical of her to complain even when it was sunny.

"Why are you walking? I mean, your dad normally drives you to school."

"Oh he left early with mom. Something about an emergency at work. I can't drive yet, too. I haven't really gotten good results with my driving lessons," she pouted thoughtfully.

We walked the rest of the trip together and hugged each other good bye when we reached the school gate. I go to a private school where uniforms are required and I hated the fact that we have skirts instead of casual jeans. I also hated the fact that most girls saw this as an opportunity to impress the guys. Their motto: the skimpier the better. I walked through a crowd of navy blue in the hallway, passing the bulletin board (which housed pictures of five missing girls who apparently went to this same school) and soon reached my class. History. My favorite subject. Not because I'm a geek or anything, I just like the teacher, Ms. Gomez, a lot. She would give a lecture for a couple of minutes and then tell stories about early times- events that were not given enough acknowledgment to be put inside a history book. The way she tells them sometimes makes me wonder if she has actually been there to witness everything (but that would be absurd).

The third bell announced dismissal from the last class of the day. I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. Emma was waiting for me outside.

"Hey," she gave me a toothy grin.

"Hi. Um, what brought you here?"

"You know Alex Hoffman? That senior guy from varsity? He asked me out." I can tell from her smile that she was expecting me to be as excited as she is.

"Wow. That's great. So when are you going out?" I mustered the most convincing smile I have, but to be really honest, I don't trust the guy she was talking about.

"Tonight. You might be wondering why I'm telling you this."

"Um, yes?" I didn't think I'd like where this was going.

"Well, he's taking me to Grunge's to watch a little bowling tournament his friends had organized. I figured I might as well bring some of mine. Will you come? Jessica and the others couldn't."

"I actually have a curfew at seven, Emma." I hated turning people down, really, but this is something I can't help.

"Aww. Just this once? Please?"

"I really wish I could you know. Just be careful okay?"

She nodded a little reluctantly and I offered to walk her to the parking lot where she said her dad was waiting.

That night, I sat on the dinner table with my mom and Luna, the resident Siamese. Luna was on my lap, licking her paws and purring alternately.

"Cats should not be on the table Ava." Mom scolded in the middle of a phone conversation with her secretary. She worked in a Law firm so she was constantly busy both physically and mentally.

"She's on my lap mom. Technically not on the table." I finished the last piece of steak on my plate, scooped Luna up and went to my room. My mom and I aren't really on bad terms but we're not on good terms either. I guess she's just too absorbed with work that sometimes she forgot I existed. I think I remind her of dad. I don't blame her. Dad's death, had me occupying myself with anything I could think of too. It was a colossal blow to us both and it took us a while to get back again but when we did, things became different. I chose to accept. Mom chose to forget.

I was lying on my back with my eyes closed when I heard Luna hissing at my phone. It was vibrating and I didn't even notice. Ten messages and two missed calls all from Emma. I called her back, worried.

"Hello? Emm-"

"Ava! Help me. Help me, please." She was crying. I could sense fear through her voice. My heart was pounding so hard I could feel my pulse.

"What happened?"

"I'm in an alley at Oaks Street. A few blocks down Grunge's. Please, please, please pick me up. Please. Alex and his gang. I dunno, something's up with them. I'm hiding right now. Just please.."

"Okay, okay. I'll be right up." I hung up and forced myself not to panic. I ran to the dining room where my mom was still chatting on the phone. I knew there was no way to talk to her without her waving me off so I decided to keep her out of this and took her car keys from her coat. Thankfully, her car was still on the driveway so I ran and jumped into the driver's seat. The engine roared to life and I tore off the road as quickly as I could. Along the way, I called the cops and told them about Emma. Since my house was closer than the nearest police station, I arrived first. I was hesitant to go alone but I was thinking that if I waited, it might be too late. Clutching the keys, I got out of the car and called Emma's name. Nothing. The alley was dark and wet and too quiet that I could almost hear my own heart beat. The only thing illuminating the place was a dim street lamp one block away. I called her again. This time, I could her raspy breathing. I frantically ran towards the sound and found Emma crouched behind a huge trash bin. She had cuts and bruises all over her.

"What the hell happened?" I asked, horrified. "We gotta take you out of here."

I placed her arm around my shoulder and supported her. She was limping painfully.

"Ava, I'm so sorry I brought you here."


"I was so afraid. Alex, they.. they were not human Ava. They like blood. We have to hurry, we're in danger."

I was slow to take in every word Emma said. I'm not sure I understood what she meant by 'not human'. We were only a few meters away from the car when I heard laughs which pricked my skin. Everything happened so fast then. Emma screamed. Something grabbed me from behind, clamping my mouth with a death grip. I was thrashing and fighting until dizziness got the better of me. Then there was darkness.

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